s i x t y - s e v e n

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"I think she just doesn't want you to make any mistakes"

"I get that, but SEVEN weeks?!?"

"Are you complaining Kassandra?!?" Mom asks coming in to the room

"Ugh no" I say going back to my book

"Babe can I take Kas golfing with me?"

"No, she's grounded"

"But it'll be good for her to get some fresh air"

"If she needs fresh air she can go out to the backyard"

"It'll be good for her to interact with other people, you can't make her antisocial"

"Fine, but just because she going with you!"

"Thank you mom!"


"Thanks for convincing mom to let me come"

"You're welcome, you know last night she couldn't sleep from how happy she was"

"Ew I don't need to know that!"

"Ew no Kas, she was happy from spending time with you, she said it felt like old times"

"Yeah well it hasn't always been so bad, we have our days, we both do, more than ever lately, but I should probably not discuss that with you, she's your girlfriend, but I liked spending time with her yesterday, I don't know i know I've just been complaining about being grounded, but yesterday it kind of felt like everything was okay"

"I'm glad you two are getting along again" he says smiling "how'd you like golfing?"

"Surprisingly, I enjoyed it" I chuckle

"See I told you it was fun, it's not just for old people" he laughs

"So how does it feel to know that tomorrow night you'll officially be part of Taylor swift's discography?"

"It's great" he says smiling

"You still can't believe it can you?"

"Not a bit, I can't believe I'm dating your mom, she's incredible, she the best person I've ever known, I love her with all my heart"

"I'm happy for her, thanks for taking care of her, I've never seen her this in love"

"I love her like you can't imagine" he smiles "what do you think of the new album?"

"Well I'm a little biased cause I'm her daughter and she exposed the one boyfriend of hers I've hated the most, but I loved it, except for so high school of course"

"Well that's a little rude" he chuckles

"Not because it's about you" I laugh "I didn't need to know what you two do under the blanket when we watch tv"

Travis goes red as a tomato

"Just hope i haven't been there-"

"No, you haven't, we would never" he swallows

"Good to know" I say as Travis pulls into the driveway

"Hey how was golf?" Mom asks from the couch

"Good, thanks for letting me go mom"

"Glad you two had fun, do you guys want to watch a movie with me? I was getting kind of bored being alone"

"Sure, what do you want to watch?" Travis asks her giving her a kiss before sitting next to her

"Ummm I don't know, You can choose" mom says

"Mean girls?"

"You cant choose that, just so Kas can watch it, she's grounded"

"I'm not choosing it for Kas, I want to watch it"


"I'm serious it's grown on me" he says giving mom a quick kiss

"Whatever" mom says rolling her eyes while laughing and they whisper something to each other "I'm getting water"

"Alright you can press play" mom says coming back and grabbing her phone

"Shit! No no no!" Mom says looking at her phone a few minutes after the movie starts

"What's wrong babe?"

"Tree texted, The album just leaked" mom says holding back tears "I've got to call tree back, this thing is spreading like wildfire" mom says getting up and going upstairs

We give her a few minutes before we check up on her so that she can talk to tree and Travis goes up to check on her

"How is she?" I ask Travis as I put my book down

"She's upset" I'm getting her some water

I get up from the couch and go upstairs, moms door is open and I see her laying face down on her bed, I knock three times like she does before I walk in

"I'm sorry mom" I say sitting down on her bed next to her "they're jerks, can't they just wait one more day?"

"I know it sucks, but there's not much we can do, I've just got to suck it up" she says

I lay with her until she falls asleep and I carefully get out of bed trying not to wake her up

I go into my room and go into my closet and rummage through the back of one of my drawers, I was so lucky mom didn't check thoroughly, otherwise I'd probably be in trouble for the rest of my life

I pull out one of my old phones that's sitting in the back of the drawer and grab my charger that is still connected next to my bed from before mom took my phone before going into my bathroom and locking myself in there just in case so that if mom wakes up she won't see me.

You Drew Stars Around my Scars - Taylor Swifts Daughter Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu