Chapter 1 - Inseperable Loneliness

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The train leaves at 3:00 pm, don't be late.

Beep, beep, beep.

I was reading my book in silence, headphones stuck to my ears as I listened to some classical music. A girl with bright summer pink eyes stumbles into me as I look up, an awkward expression displayed on her face.

"Hi, do you know where the Vivienne Station is?" I'm a little lost hehe..."

I take one side of my headphones off my ears as I gesture to a floral-looking station, possibly where my station is actually.


"Oh! Thanks!" She said, smiling. "Do you mind if I take a seat here too?"

The girl pointed to an empty seat next to me and I nodded so she sat by and glanced at what I was reading.

"Where are you going? Y'know like where?"

I grimaced at her question, I didn't like interacting with people but I had no choice.

"For high school," I replied.

"Bijoux Highschool?"

I got a little off guard at her reply but maybe it was just a coincidence?

"I'll be going there too, I guess." She adds, leaning playfully on her seat.


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