𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭 𝟓

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Taehyung belongs to a class of very rare cow hybrids that have the ability to produce flavored milk. She is kept locked up by her mistress during her heat cycles as a protective measure but that does not stop her master from having his way with her.

Work Text:

It's been a really long day and Tae has been locked up in her room. She watches the sun set from her window and sheds a tear. She gets a call from her best friend Jimin.

"You've been crying." It's the first thing he says.

"You know me far too well."

"Tell me why."

"It's nothing."

"I'll be on the phone all night with you unless you tell me."

"I was locked up because I was going through my heat."

"It's that time of the month already?"


"But you go through it every month Tae, what made you sad this time?" Jimin sounds so concerned.

"It's just that....I need to be fucked Jimin. How many times am I supposed to go through my heat and suffer like this?"

"Doesn't your owner arrange something for you? He should, it's his duty!"

"The master and his wife are both very kind. I have a feeling they wouldn't make me suffer on purpose. Maybe they don't know what arrangements to make?"

"I don't want you to keep quiet about this Tae. Tell them your problem. If they care about you, they'll do something about it. Remember you are important to them. Hybrids who produce flavored milk are rare."

"You're right, I'll tell them tomorrow morning. Thanks for listening."

"I'm always here for you and I want you to be happy Tae."

"I know."

The farm is noisy in the morning. Tae's mistress unlocks the door and smiles at Tae who is curled up in bed.

"Goodmorning Tae! Didn't you get enough sleep last night?"

Tae shifts in her sleep and opens her eyes. "Mistress! You're here! I'm sorry I should have been up sooner. This month's heat was so intense."

"I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you're feeling better this morning."

Tae wonders if she should say it. She remembers her conversation with Jimin and makes up her mind to be brave.

"Umm, mistress? On the day you purchased me from my previous owner you umm... said that I should always tell you if I was uncomfortable or sad."

"Of course Tae! Why what's wrong?"

"You see, hybrids like me need to be impregnated at least twice a year and we need to be fucked every month during our heat. Otherwise it affects our mental and physical health and that....will definitely lead to poor quality milk."

Tae says the last part with a lot of seriousness.

"Ah, I see. Well, your previous owner never told me or my husband these things. I keep you locked up during your heat so that you're protected from other hybrids who may rape you just for fun."

"I really appreciate that mistress, I know you have my best interests at heart. But....I really cannot spend another heat in this way. It's.... painful....and depressing."

"I'll see what I can do Tae. Thank you for telling me. I most certainly cannot allow my customers to pay for bad quality milk. Which reminds me, we're running late today, let's get you ready for milking."

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