"You are a hazard to the society, get out of my room, go to sleep, it's past midnight,"

"Ha ha ha, you don't have to chase me away just because you are embarrassed, your majesty," Yuray winked, but actually twirled away before Ruyin could reach out and strangle him.

"I'll find what you are hiding Ruyi...., just you wait,"

Ruyin shook his head, mildly exasperated, smiling lightly to himself.

To protect that playful laughter, he could kill the entire world. He was no hero who would sacrifice anything to save the world, he was but a villain who wants his loved ones safe. It would probably make him a bad king, but always a better ruler. Or a tyrant, Ruyin was not picky.


"Your majesty!!!" The drawn-out cries of the minister Hael was grating on his nerves. Ruyin's hand tightened on the arm rest of his throne, nails digging into the golden plating.

"There is no reason to cry so loudly, Minister, just spit it out," he ordered, at the end of bis patience.

Before the poor minister could comply, however, the doors of the court bellowed open, sending the courtiers into mini heart attacks.

Neither Ruyin, nor the ever faithful presence by his side even blinked, having expected this interruption from the start of gathering. He minutely shook his head, seeing the shadow just beside his right shoulder shift from the corner of his eye.

He crossed a leg over the other, getting comfortable for a long stay. He felt, more than saw, Yuray taking the final step closer to lean against the huge backrest of the throne, one hand briefly brushing Ruyin's arm as a confirmation of his support and the other coming to rest on the sword hanging by his side.


A hush fell over the courtiers before they all fell to their knees, Ruyin catalogue them one by one, those who stared as if they were in the presence of Gods, those who gazed as if their saviours had come. But there were others as well, now, people who looked with utter loathing, disapproval, and even uncertainty.

Emotions that he could manipulate, both hatred and uncertainty could be manipulated after all. It was the reverence that he should be concerned of. Reverence that should be rooted out and set fire upon.

"Welcome, Elders, I hope your... pilgrimage was of success," Ruyin slightly tilted his head, letting a benevolent smile paint his lips.

"What have you done, Your Majesty?" It was the third lady from the right, from the seven elders who stood in a line, Lady Merleza, one of the elders who had ventured on their so called pilgrimage for blessing.

She was, as said, an elder, reaching at least a late sixty or early seventy in age, draped in long robes of pastel blue and white. Her gray hair was pulled back into a severe bun, adding to her default expression of being dissatisfied with the world.

"What have I done Lady Marleza?" He raised a hand to let his chin rest upon it, elbow down on the arm rest, completely unbothered and looking bored.

"Two ministers are dead and their ministries have become blood baths! Are you to tell me that it wasn't your doing? Or are you having trouble controlling that beast?" Lord Finian asked gravely, hands held together infront of his matching robes of pastel blue and white, giving him a disappointed look.

Ruyin's teeth ground together, nails digging grooves into the throne. Yuray's hand tightened on the pommel and Ruyin knew that he was only a gesture away from pouncing on the withered snakes.

'Not yet, not yet, not yet,' Ruyin chanted to himself, letting no emotion leave the mask pulled over his face.

He took a deep breath, leaning back and relaxing. If the gesture brushed his shoulder against Yuray's hip in a silent comfort, it was for none but their own knowledge.


Hi hi,

Your Author is back my dearest readers.....

Author was three parts bored and one part busy, please forgive your author, for even the author herself knows not how her mind works.

Back soon,

See ya,



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Yep, I know, long hair, you have no idea how long I spent to find this my readers... have mercy on author, apparently pinterest thinks there's only white haired kings, very nice
(Smile in pain)

 have mercy on author, apparently pinterest thinks there's only white haired kings, very nice (Smile in pain)

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