« We are not that close... » 

Him's lips curved into a devilish smile. In an instant, his clamps were on Boomer's shoulders. He spoked into his ear.
« You could use her. Let her tell you her deepest thoughts, her feelings, even what she and her sisters planned. »

His gaze sharpened, the air became electric. He stared at him and said :

« And if I refuse ? »
Him laughed and in an instant, the boys were on the floor in pain, their bodies shaking. It was as if their heads were going to be torn off or their bodies were going to explode from the inside. After what seemed like an eternity, the pain was gone, as if nothing happened. Him leaned over Boomer and said:

« What was you answer again ? »

« I- I'll do it. »

« Good. » Him went back to his sofa and looked at the boys. « Ready to go back home ? »

Brick looked at Boomer, his eyes were glued to the floor... or ceiling, it was hard to tell. Cold sweat ran down his back. One of their rules, and of the few they followed, was not to piss him off. Never.
Boomer's fists were clenched. Then he looked at Butch and Butch nodded, for once he was serious. Brick took a breath and said :

« We want a deal. »

« Another deal. The price for the first one isn't enough ? But you always do a great job. What do you want ? »

« Our freedom. »
Him laughed, laughing as if Brick had told a good joke.

« Remember when y'all were just an essence without a body. You gave me your soul in exchange for a body. You belong to me. »

Belong to him... When they dealt with Him, it seemed to their advantage. Getting revenge on the Powerpuff girls, creating chaos and destroying everything. But their needs had changed over time. Being under someone else's control was a total bullsh*t. This bast*rd...
Him lifted Brick's chin.

« I'll let you make me a proposition, after all you are my sons. »


« We guess your name and you free us. »
Him stopped smiling, Mojo knew a lot, but Mojo was stupid, he was far from the truth and had swallowed his lie.

But there is truth in every lie, right ?

Anyways his name must be secret and never known by anyone. It won't be a problem for Him, but for the others...

« The day when my sons will rebel against me, has arrived. » Him laughed. This could be fun after all. « Fine. »
He turned the boys back.

Brick's eyebrow arched.
« Really ? »

« Yes. Good luck to you. » he said mysteriously. Before the boys could say anything they were back at home. Boomer's stomach made him to run to the toilet.

« That was easy. » said Butch, he jumped on the sofa and turned on the television.

« Too easy... » said Brick pensive.
Brick sat next to Butch, he was thinking about everything that had just happened. The riddle, the plan, Boomer and Bubbles. This is so messed up.

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