Kisses, Touches and Giggles

Start from the beginning

'Suddenly their existence becomes more significant than yours' (✓)

One glimpse of them can make your whole day (✓)

You feel uneasy when you're separated from them (✓)

Nothing seems as beautiful as their smile (✓)

You don't even think twice before doing anything for them, be it sacrificing your life, the thought of it wouldn't even scare you (✓)

You wither like a flower in their absence and blossom like a garden in their presence (✓)

You die to be with them each second and can do anything to see them happy (✓)

Ishan's past voice narrates every aspect and Shubman ticks all of them in an invincible checklist in his mind, though he would like to add a few more by himself such as,

'You love being praised by them' (✓)

'You get lost in their intoxicating eyes and it's impossible to come out anytime soon' (✓)

'You feel like you're going nuts' (✓)

'Your heart feels like it will fail anytime' (✓)

The whole day would pass and countless things could still be added to it.

Oh, he is doomed, he can't contain the overwhelming sensation that surges through him, his heartbeats quickening once comprehending the conclusion, though he contemplates it's too soon for him to linger on it, so he ignores it, shaking his head a little to clear it and found Ishan staring at him when he looks up, latter's eyes conveying concern, seeking if everything is okay and without any delay Shubman proceeds forward, grasps Ishan's hand dragging him into the dressing room.

"What's up?", Ishan collectedly poses in spite of concern while in impact of the sudden moment as dashing themself into the corner of dressing room Shubman stands against the wall facing him and keeps latter's held hand on his chest, breathing a bit unevenly while staring down at him with puppy eyes.

"Is it normal for a heart to beat this fast?", Shubman asks, his gaze worried yet demure and Ishan listening to the latter, carefully feels the rapid thumping of his heart before looking up at him, "No actually, are you okay, Shubi?", Ishan distressfully queries further furrowing his brows, feeling aforementioned's temperature with the back of his hand, checking his forehead and neck, "You're burning, your face is all red, you should take a  day off if you don't-"

"It's because of you", Shubman says cutting him off as Ishan subconsciously halts his hand on younger's chest only, gazing up at him, blush creeping up his own ears and heart racing. He knew the sentence was said out of pure innocence, however, it didn't fail to make him divert his eyes in embarrassment before again looking up at the taller male, the boy should really hear himself sometimes.

Ishan watches as Shubman holds the very hand which was on his chest and interwines their fingers, eyes exhibiting everything they could. Ishan is positive that they have touched each other uncountable times but holding hands never felt so good, the touch had a different zeal to it, fluttering their hearts, the eyes possessed different passion in them, bewitching them.

"Do you feel like this too?", Shubman questions and Ishan calmly nods, uttering, "Sometimes"

"What should I do? I can't focus on anything but you", he expresses and Ishan can't help but chuckle, "Maybe we should hug for a while? Would that appease you?", he suggests and Shubman gulps before taking a deep breath and nods, "Yea let's do that"

Both embrace each other, Ishan rests his head on Shubman's sturdy chest who softly caressed his shoulders, juncture at the neck, engulfing him tighter and tighter, gently inhaling his earthy fragrance and Ishan feels Shubman's heartbeats finally easing a bit, both settling into the serenity of one another's aura.

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