Chapter 7 - Unanswered Questions

Start from the beginning

"A rat...?!" Amelia huffed. "Forget about the bloody rat, how was the kiss...?!" She almost shrieked out of excitement and shook Geoffrey, after having grabbed him by the upper arms.

"I – I don't know, please stop shaking me..." Geoffrey blurted out.

"You don't know...?!" Amelia yelped, but stopped shaking him.

"Well, I have not kissed anyone else except Cornelia, which feels like nothing at all, but this was a pretty damn good kiss...!" Geoffrey admitted with a sigh of surrender.

"Oh my God...!" Amelia exclaimed with a wide surprised grin on her face. "But what does this mean...?!" She quickly added energetically.

"That is what I kind of hoped you could help me figure out...!" Geoffrey cried out, reaching out an arm and leaning against a nearby tree for emotional support.

"Why did you run away from him, why didn't you ask him why he did it...?" She enquired.

"Like I said, I freaked out...! Miles Bridgerton had just kissed me...!!" Geoffrey shouted. Luckily, they were still alone in the yard.

"Okay, okay, let's calm ourselves down..." Amelia urged, probably speaking more to herself than her friend. "I don't think, to be honest, that there are so many reasons for a person to kiss another person on the mouth... He must be interested in you too, Geoffrey. Seriously."

"But what about the 'you don't fancy me, right'? What if he just, I don't know... Felt sorry for me, because he knew that I like men and would never get to be with one, so then he just... Kissed me to make me feel better...?" Geoffrey suggested with a sad voice.

"I have a hard time believing that Miles would be so thoughtful." Amelia pointed out with a smirk. "And you said that he stared at you like Eddie stared at me during the conservatory ball."

"But it does not mean anything..." Geoffrey protested, kicking the gravel underneath their feet.

"Yes, it does. It means a lot." Amelia said sternly. "You have to go and talk with him. Ask him what the hell is going on between you two. Is he still at the stables?"

"I... I think so..." Geoffrey replied warily.

"Well, what are you waiting for then? Go!" Amelia exclaimed with a wide smile on her face, pointing towards the back of the house and the stables, so Geoffrey went, almost running.

"Miles...?" He hooted when he entered the same building where everything had happened last night. It did not seem as magical in daylight as it had back then. A stablehand was just leading two horses outside, but luckily he seemed to be the only one around, which would allow a more scandalous conversation to possibly happen.

"In here!" Miles' voice came from the same box Geoffrey had left him in, hours ago. He marched up there through the long aisle, as determinedly as possible, this time certain that he would not freak out before he got the chance to ask Miles what he so badly needed to know.

"Miles, I must –" Geoffrey began, but his words hit a painful brick wall when he saw that Miles was not alone inside the box. Sarah Cranleigh was there too, admiring the little foal that nibbled on her fingers while she smiled warmly and irritatingly beautifully at it.

"Yes...?" Miles wondered with a look that was both long and very difficult to interpret.

"I must... Tell you that breakfast will be served soon." He blurted out, quickly hiding all emotion.

"Alright, thanks!" Sarah smiled at him politely from where she was hunkered down next to the foal. "But how can I leave you here, when you are being so cute?" She cooed at the colt.

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