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When the briefing was dismissed, Rex led the men of Clone Force 99 to a section where they could gather supplies and tools to repair any damage the Marauder received while escaping Ord Mantell.  An awkward shadow of suspense loomed over the four women who remained around the holo-table — no one seemed to want to take the initiative to break the silence first.

Except for Athena.

"So," She flipped her attention onto the reserved woman. "what's your deal, Specs?"

"Jeez," Fern groaned, her head dropped in dead weight. "Must you know everything about everyone's business?" She then tilted her chin slightly up to her right, eyeing her former instructor. "Mistress Lovick, I had no idea—"

"Sybil," She smiled kindly, tucking a loose curl behind her ear. Her sophisticated, soft-spoken accent instantly eased the female soldier's rattled nerves. "There's no need for the formalities, Fern. I'm not your instructor anymore—haven't been for quite some time."

"She arrived only a rotation ago—not long after Echo left for Pabu with the incrypted intel." Rex returned and grinned with his arms crossed. "And, it's Doctor Sybil Lovick now. Courtesy of the Empire."

"You—" Fern blinked. "You served the Empire?"

"Well, this just got a lot more interesting." Athena smirked.

"It is a long story." Sybil stated. "I did not partake in any malicious nor dictorial acts, so I hope you do not think too ill of me."

"My interest has lessened."

"Why would we think ill of you," Echo abruptly grimaced behind the captain, who had no idea the cyborg clone followed him, attracting everyone's gaze. "when you've been so loyal before?"

"Echo," Her emerald-green eyes softened as she adjusted her spectacles. "Rex has told me all about how you've helped him expand this network. It's very impressive. I suppose, though, you will be taking a leave of absence to join Fern and the others on your search for Omega."

The cyborg clone's body stiffened, averting his eyes downward. "Actually, I—"

"Oh, you cannot be serious?!" Fern sharply huffed with antipathy—her outcry echoed throughout the garage. Before anyone could object, she instantly stormed off to the Marauder, cursing under her breath. Athena whistled with awkwardness.

"Fern, wait—"

"It's okay, Senator." Rex held his arm out before she could follow the fuming soldier. "She's just been through a lot."

"Eh, she'll pull through." Athena shrugged, then turned her upper body to the Marauder. "I think I'll go help the boys prepare the ship—I need to familiarize myself with my new home."

"Athena," The Pantoran woman touched her shoulder before she strolled off. "May I bend your ear for a tick?"

The bounty hunter raised a brow with her crimson-red lips pursed with curiosity. "Of course, Senator," she said, then nodded to the cyborg clone. "I guess I'll see you when I do."

"Yeah," Echo said in a low, gruff tone. Once the two women were out of hearing distance, he glared at the xenolinguist. "You served under the Empire? What happened to your precious fellowship?"

"Easy, Echo."

"No, it's okay, Rex." Sybil nodded before meeting the ARC trooper's sable orbs. "If you do, in fact, plan on staying, then I will be inclined to share what has happened since the end of the war."

Echo scoffed. "Not interested." He then pivoted on his heel and removed himself before he muttered something regretful. "I'll be back. Just going to grab my things from the ship."

VOICE and PURPOSE: BOOK THREEWhere stories live. Discover now