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"Come and get me."

"How did you get our comm channel?" Echo demanded.

"I gave it to her." Rex stepped into frame next to the bounty hunter. Scanning each of the clones' holographic faces, he instantly detected their distressed reactions. "Something wrong?"

Athena punched a button on the console, shutting down the transmission before Fern or any of the boys could respond. Rex raised a brow. "Well, you certainly know how to get your point across efficiently."

"It's a talent I always have possessed." Athena stated. Her eyes looked down at her legs and scrunched her nose at the prison jumpsuit. "You wouldn't by chance have any clothes I could have? Orange isn't really my color."

Once again, Rex paused, staring at the audacious woman, before sighing, "Senator Chuchi is scheduled to visit within the hour; I'll contact her now and see if she can provide something."

"Much appreciated, Captain."

Rex nodded, but his frown remained. Athena's own lips wavered. "Something the matter?"

"It's nothing. It's just..." He eyed the empty holo-table. "Fern and the others did not seem keen on your sudden request."

"Eh," Athena casually waved her hand. "they'll get over it once they hear how Crosshair turned on the Empire. They'll also learn how resourceful I am. Fern is already aware how I can navigate my way around the galaxy through word-of-mouth. Trust me, it'll be fine."


Athena and Rex's holographic images dispersed before anyone on the Marauder could protest. Fern found herself backing away when Hunter whipped around and glared at her, his brows furrowed with confused rage.

"Care to explain what's going on? You two seem to know—Fern. Fern! Fern, where are you going?" The sergeant chased his wife down through the ship's interior.

"I don't want to talk about it right now." the female clone grumbled. With how discombobulated her thoughts were, she was shocked she managed to form any words at all.

"That's not an option anymore." Hunter growled. "This is what you have been holding back from me this whole time, isn't it? What you have been scared of—"

"Enough, Hunter!" Fern screamed. "It's none of your concern!"

"None of my concern?" His brows deepened. "My wife has been in torment for months because of what I find out to be a clone of her, claiming to be her sister. How could—" He pinched the bridge of his nose as he groaned. "I have been asking what has been bothering you, and you refused to share. I know you are stubborn...but I never imagined you would keep something this serious from us. From me. We had a right to know!"

"She was too dangerous for all of you to know." Fern defended herself.

"Exactly how long have you known about her?" Hunter ignored her retort. "Where did she even come from?"

"I don't know."

"Don't you keep lying to me."

"I don't know, Hunter! She confronted me out of nowhere on Safa Toma. That's it!"

"No, there's more. Tell me." he demanded.

"What do you want from me?!" The female clone finally pinwheeled on her heel and faced her husband. Her stained cheeks from her sobbing earlier were coated over with new tears. Her hands waved around sporadically while her voice cracked with exasperation. "She worked for the Empire, for the Force's sake. We had an Imperial tailing us this whole—Do you really not understand why I did–not–want–" She smacked the back of her hand into her palm. "you and everyone else knowing that?! After all we were going through already?!"

VOICE and PURPOSE: BOOK THREEWhere stories live. Discover now