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"Clearing your family misunderstandings is your first move? Quite unusual for you, Dongsaeng." Alver said one tea time. Both were playing chess, but they were visualizing the enemy's movement. "You never bothered with family issues before. Either you let them dote on you or destroy it."

"Well, the ending of the book was everyone getting killed." Treine replied, "Seeing how you treasure your children and Eduardo, you don't want them to suffer the same fate as that record, don't you?"

"He's the first adorable brother I have. Of course, I want him safe. Compared to being a Crossman, my current siblings are dead set on killing me." Alver replied, placing the white king on E6. "Should I kill them first? Or have them kill me first?"

"Let's not overlook the dark horse on your side." Treine smiled and stared at the black horse inside the White Pieces territory. Duke Illustre would be doing all he could right now. Without the Crown Prince in the palace, his ears are deaf and his eyes are blind.

"Dion," he said.

"What the fuck?"

Dion Agriche emerged.

That raspy, cold voice seems extremely dangerous. "Yes?"

The man who would go to any length to get Kim Roksu.

That was how Dion Agriche managed to survive for so long.

"Dongsaeng, that's—DION AGRICHE—"


Treine smirked and got up from his seat. He experienced an inexplicable surge of excitement within himself.

I see that my soul has become almost immortal. Even if I die in another world, I will be able to transition seamlessly into a new one.

And now...

Let us maintain our peaceful, slacker lifestyle.

"Hyung-nim, I can be both a villain and a hero."

This family perfectly matches his preferences. A neutral family that he could manipulate, like his limbs.

Now that he lives with a soon-to-be villainous family, he will receive nothing but grace.

"The Hardt family will play the martyrs."

Deon seemed to be smiling as if he were enjoying the hellish nightmare.

Another lunatic.

This feels good. "You want power? Obtain it, Hyung-nim."

This man's ambition has no boundaries.

"You must obtain everything using the law of force."

His words heightened his excitement even more. Alver knew that Roksu was downright evil and vicious when it mattered.

"And place everything in those lovely little hands of yours."

That man will kneel and bow before him.

This is a fascinating plot for a change.

"There were three enemies. One was made after your death. Another came to become even more powerful. The last one desires entertainment." Treine answered, "Even without us doing anything, the other kingdoms surrounding us are already targeting Desiree."

Alver smiled and said, "Wait for the time to strike back."

"That eggplant bastard will undoubtedly force other kingdoms to attack Desiree, whether you live or die."

"Haha!" Alver could not help but laugh. He tosses a gold plaque over Treine's hand. "Like always, Dongsaeng, I will accept responsibility; leave the gruesome work to me."

Everything We Want to Do is Illegal! [TCF x INTKOT]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें