She wondered if it also captivated the woman infront of her.

Taylor shook Xio's with a chuckle, playing along to the younger girl's playfulness.

"Tanya, huh? How come you only use Xio?"

Xio shrugged, seemingly thinking for a moment. "I guess I wanted to keep a part of myself in my circle."

"Circle?" Taylor furrowed her brows slightly, yet it was obvious she was trying to bite back a smile at how Xio looked in the moment. The younger girl had a habit of tilting her head to the side when thinking or confused about something. It made her way more attractive in thousands of people's opinion, including Taylor's.

"Yeah, circle. It's kinda like the close friends option on instagram. I want to keep a part of me private, a part of me who only selected people know about. Call it cliche but it feels so fulfilling when you're in someone's circle, cause they trust you, they chose you."

"How many people are in your circle when it comes to your name then?"

"8? 9 including you. The boys, two publicists, the twins, flo, mads, and you. Well, unless they told anyone else, which I highly doubt."

"What made you think they didn't tell anyone?" Taylor challenged, stepping a tad closer to Xio.

"I made them sign a contract made by yours truly. If they break the contract I get unlimited favors."

"And what makes you think I wouldn't tell anyone?"

"Cause I trust you." Xio noticed Taylor's playful and confident persona faltering for half a second before she recomposed herself again.

"Is trust enough? You don't have a contract for me to sign." Taylor teased.

Xio met Taylor's enchanting blue eyes, letting her own brown ones travel down to the blonde's perfectly red lips.

"I know where you can sign." The vocalist kept her eyes on Taylor's lips, who obviously noticed and decided to do something about it.

Much to Xio's surprise, the older girl suddenly straddles her lap, arms wrapping around her neck, forcing her own arms to wrap around Taylor's waist to prevent the blonde from falling over.


"I wanna kiss you."

"Then do it."

"We're in public."

"You're straddling me, and our faces are inches away from each other. You sure you wanna start worrying now?"

"Tanya, I'm serious.. please?"

"What do you want, baby?"

"I wanna kiss you."

"Then do it, darling. There aren't cctvs around here, and people don't come to this park at night. Also, your face's covered."

Taylor didn't need to be told twice. She pulled Xio closer and closed the distance between their lips. It was only supposed to be a peck, and yet they both had too much fun.

thirteen. | Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now