Chapter 10

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The first date.

Anda just awoke from her sleep, and it was their day off, so she went out to her room and saw her father and mother eating breakfast.

Anda's father asked, "Aren't you going outside? It's time for you to enjoy your day off." Her father grinned and added, "Just go out with your girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Anda's mother inquired in amazement.

Anda's father joyfully stated, "Yes, her girlfriend, the kid Lookkaew."

Anda explains to her parents, "She is not yet my girlfriend."

"It's just the same; she'll be your girlfriend tomorrow." Anda laughed at her father.

Anda's father taps her on the shoulder. "I really want that kid; she is fun and cute." "I'll teach you some tips."

Anda's mother agreed with what her husband stated to their daughter. "Yah, we like that kid cute."

"You should occasionally bring her into our home," Anda's mother urged.

Her father remarked, "That's a good idea; I like that kind of idea." "Bring her home."

"I will, mom and dad, if she is no longer shy around the two of you," Anda said cheerfully. "She told me that she was shy around both of you when you two came in to pick me up," she said.

Anda's mother is wiping the table after they've eaten. "She shouldn't be shy around us; we should be the ones who are shy because they look elegant even in simple clothing." That's what her mother remarked.

"So what's your plan?" her father said. "Okay, date her today."

"I think she's busy today, I think she is with her family." That's what Anda stated.

Her father urged, "Just try." "It's time for us to have a daughter in-law. Your sister already gave us son in-law, so you should give us daughter in-law." That's what he said to Anda.

Anda's mother urged, "Call her right now." "Let me talk to her."

Anda scratched her neck's back. "Dad,mom, you two seem to really want me to have lookkaew immediately."

Her mother spoke. "Of course, you like her and if you move slowly someone might steal her from you."

Anda is calling her little one. "Hello?" Lookkaew asked.

"Hello, Uhm! I was wondering if you were free today?" Anda questioned the small girl.

Anda's father stated, "Hi little Lookkaew, my daughter and you will go on a date."

"Dad!" Anda exclaimed, doing a face palm. "She might be busy."

Lookkaew laughed and spoke. "I am free today; yes, Anda's dad, I can go and date your daughter today," Lookkaew explained.

Anda's mother replied, "See, she agreed."

Anda apologized to lookkaew, saying, "I'm sorry, mom and dad just forced me to date you today."

"Ah, so you really don't want to date me?" Lookkaew asked, her voice mournful. She added, "Okay, I understand."

Anda's mother overheard it. "See, she is questioning you now; if you really want to date her, she will start to doubt you." That's what she said.

Anda explained. "I want to date you, but I was too shy to ask you," she told the little one.

Lookkaew said, "You are always shy."

"She is like that to all pretty girls, just like her father," Anda's mother told Lookkaew.

"Anda likes pretty girls, Mae?" Lookkaew inquired of Anda's mother.

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