t h i r t y t w o

22 1 0

 My dad came back from the hospital today. He has a critical lung condition, so he needs to be monitored whenever his breathing is disrupted. It worries me a lot, always seeing him in hospital beds with all these wires attached to him.

It's dinner time, everyone is at the table eating the meal my mom prepared. There is some small talk here and there amongst everyone. It's been a while since I've had a nice family dinner like this in a while, and I certainly missed the warm feeling.

"So, we wanted to talk to you three about something," My mom spoke up. "Our company is having a celebratory event to signify our partnership with Khang Corporations. All of your friends are invited, you can even bring a date if you like."

The three of us nodded, listening along to my mom. I was never able to attend the events my family's business holds, so this would be my first time. And I was excited that all of my friends would be able to attend as well.

"I'll give you guys my credit card tomorrow, go to the mall together and buy something to wear,"

- - -

After school today, the boys, Dahyun, and I all squished together in Chan's car to go to the mall. I was probably the most excited, I always wanted to go to one of the events my parents held. And picking a cute outfit to wear is the fun part.

We arrived at the mall about thirty minutes later, and split up into two groups of five to pick out clothes. I was with Dahyun, Minho, Hyunjin, Felix, and Seungmin. Minho and Dahyun were basically walking on their own, showing constant PDA which was extremely annoying.

"They're all so pretty, how am I supposed to choose?" Dahyun said as she looked through the selection of dresses on display. She was right, they had so many beautiful dresses that it would be difficult to choose just one.

I looked through all of the aisles, trying to find the perfect dress for the occasion. All of them were so pretty, the decision was a hard one.

"Try that one on," Felix said, coming up to me and pointing to one of the dresses on the hanger.  I wasn't originally going to look at that one, but since he recommended it, I took it off the hanger and brought it to the changing room with me.

3rd Person POV

Jieun brought the dress to the changing room with her and quickly changed out of it. Felix was waiting outside, Hyunjin and Seungmin beside him looking for some suits that were out on display.

"I'm done," Jieun opened the door of the changing room and came out in the dress.

Hyunjin turned around to see what dress she had picked out, and his jaw went slack as he laid his eyes on the girl

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Hyunjin turned around to see what dress she had picked out, and his jaw went slack as he laid his eyes on the girl. He already thought she was ridiculously stunning, but seeing her in a dress like this made his heart go crazy as he stared at her with his mouth hanging open.

"A fly is going to enter your mouth," Seungmin said as he snapped Hyunjin's jaw shut. 

"Well?" Jieun asked the three boys. She had never worn a dress this fancy before, so she didn't really know if she suit the look.

"You look great, Jieunnie!" Felix said with a bright smile, ruffling the younger's hair.

"I'm sure Hyunjin has a lot to tell you," Seungmin said, nudging Hyunjin before disappearing off to look at more suits.

"Jerk," Hyunjin murmured under his breath before clearing his throat and turning back to Jieun. "U-Uh, you look good..." Was all he could mutter up.

"Just good? Don't act like you weren't gawking earlier, Hyunjin," Felix added, a grin on his face.

"Oh shut it, Lee," Hyunjin scoffed, trying to fight back the blush forming on his cheeks. "It's pretty, Jieun, the dress I mean."

"I'll get this one then," She said, going back to the dressing room to change out of it.

The rest of the crew went to pick out their own clothes, and when they were done, they all met up outside the store.

"Let's go to the food court before heading home, I'm starving," Changbin said as he swung a bulky arm around Jisung's shoulder. The rest agreed, they were all pretty hungry since the school served booty for lunch.

The group went to the food court in the mall, finding a table large enough for them and setting their stuff down there.

"I'm going to get my food, I don't know about you guys," Jieun said before quickly rushing over to a line before it got overly crowded. Behind Jieun was a group of three, disheveled looking men. She tried not to pay attention to them, and just focused on the menu above instead to figure out what she wanted to order. One of the men behind her took out his phone, angling it right under her skirt and taking pictures. Jieun was oblivious to this, since the men were behind her.

But Hyunjin sure noticed. And oh boy, was he angry. He roughly stood up from his seat, walking over to the men and smacking the phone out of their hands. Jieun noticed this happening, and turned around to see what was going on.

"Huh?" She muttered when she saw Hyunjin standing there, fuming at the three men behind her.

"You fucking perverts," He gritted his teeth, grabbing their phone.

"Hey, that's ours!" The owner of the phone tried taking it back, but Hyunjin's grip on the phone was tight. He opened the gallery app, in pure disgust that they would take such photos of a high schooler. He deleted every single photo they took of Jieun, making sure they were fully off of the phone. He also noticed that they had plenty of other disgusting pictures of underage girls. He wanted to delete every single one, but there needed to be some sort of evidence for security, so he left it for now. The men tried running, but Hyunjin ran after them and tackled them to the ground, pinning them done with their hands behind their back. Security rushed over to see what was going on.

"His phone has all the evidence," Hyunjin said, handing the phone to the security as he got off of the men. The security handled the situation from there, and Hyunjin went back to Jieun who was still shocked.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Thank you," She muttered, still stunned by the situation. Hyunjin took his hand in hers, bringing her back to the table.

"Hyung, you're so cool!" Jeongin gushed, eating the tanghulu Chan bought for him. 

"Yeah yeah whatever," Hyunjin sighed, sitting back down.

"How may times have I told you to stop wearing those short ass skirts, you idiot," Minho said to Jieun, flicking her forehead.

"How was I supposed to know something like that was going to happen?" Jieun scoffed.

"At least you're okay," Minho sighed. "Thanks, Hyunjin."

"No problem," Hyunjin nodded. The thing he hated most was disgusting, perverted men. He hated them to his core, and would do anything to help someone who was being targeted by them.

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