e i g h t e e n

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After about a week or so, Minho got discharged from the hospital. Though his injuries weren't completely healed yet, but the doctor said he was allowed to go to school and do mild physical activity. Oh, the bruise I'm going to create on Hyori's face once I see her stupid face. To my surprise, I haven't seen her in school the entire week Minho was in the hospital. But that gave me plently of time to warm up my fist, so I didn't care. Plus, it was so peaceful without her appearing in a random corner and giving me glares. 

"Jieun Unni!" I turned around and saw Nari running toward me.

"Hi, Nari," I say with a smile. She adjusted her glasses and smiled brightly, showing her cute bunny teeth.

"Guess what?" She said, her excitement evident.

"What?" I replied.

"Jeonginnie likes me! He likes me!" her smile got wider, a blush appearing on her cheeks. I chuckled, patting her on the head.

"And do you like him back?"

"Mhm!" She nodded, making me smile widely. "We're dating!"

"Aww, I'm happy for you," I ruffled her hair. "Congrats!"

"I-" She was roughly pushed back before she could even finish her sentence.

"You!" Hyori pushed her aside and then shoved me into the locker. "Why are you meddling with my sister? Her brain doesn't need to be rotten by you" Her voice had lost all its sweetness, it sounded like a dagger piercing through flesh.

"Unni, what are you doing?" Nari tried pushing Hyori off of me, but she shoved her away, her gaze falling back on me.

"Don't interfere, Nari. Go play with your little boyfriend."

"But unni-"

"I said go," Hyori said once more. I could practically feel the fear radiating from Nari, as she scurried off.

"Such a sweet face wasted on someone like you" I scoff.

"Shut it" She pinned my wrists harder, her fresh manicure clawing into my skin. I would've punched her if she wasn't holding my wrists so hard. This girl is strong despite how she looks. "What is it with you and meddling with my property? First my boyfriend and now my sister?"

"Boyfriend?" I roll my eyes. "You guys broke up, he isn't your 'property'"

"He still loves me, you know. He never got over me. I'm not someone you can easily get over." She smugly smirked. Her ego irks me so much, my fist is about to start moving on its own. "I will take what I want from him, and you won't interfere with me."

"She won't, but your dad certainly will" A voice came from behind us and shoved Hyori off of me. It was Hyunjin. His eyes pierced through hers like daggers, knuckles turning white from how much he was clenching his fist.

"What do you mean my dad will?" She scoffed, folding her arms over her chest.

"After the accident, I called up Minho's parents and asked for your dad's contact information. I told him everything. Started from day one." He leaned against the locker, hands shoved in his pockets as he gave her a piercing glare.

"Also, you're pretty delusional if you think I still love you. Because trust me, I got over that a long time ago." His hand moved to my waist. "I have a girl I love very much, so fuck off."

"What exactly did you tell my dad?" Her face scrunched up.

"Everything. From the accident to the countless harm you've put on innocent people. Have fun when you get home." He smiled sarcastically before dragging me away.

"Gosh, I wanted to punch her," He groaned, removing his hand from my waist.

"You and me both" I sigh. "Do you know what her dad might do about it?"

"Your parents told me and Minho that her dad is a just man, he'll never tolerate the fact that his daughter is doing things like this." He sighed. "Your wrists are bleeding."

My eyes darted down to my wrists, and they were in fact bleeding, in the same places Hyori's nails dug into my skin.

"Here" He handed me two strawberry bandaids from his pocket.

"What's with the print?" I chuckle, putting them on my wrists.

"Your CSATs are next week right? You better do good, I need to make sure you actually learned something.

"I know, I know," I sigh. "Shouldn't you be in class? What are you doing out here?"

"Got bored and decided to skip for a bit, but I'm glad I did." He smiled, his eyes turning into little crescent moons. Shit, my heart forgot to beat for a moment.

"Same" I nod. "Oh, and guess what? Jeongin and Nari are dating now. I'm happy for them, considering how smitten he was for her."

"I know, he wouldn't stop spamming the group chat about it last night" He said back. "But it's adorable honestly. Now I'm going to head back to class before the teacher notices how long I've been gone, see you" He ruffled my hair before walking off.

I was right. Too much Hyunjin is bad for my well being.

"Jieunnnnn, go clean up, the boys are coming over" Minho said, coming downstairs with the cats.

"Why do I have to clean?" I groan.

"I'm injured, you know. Help out"

"You weren't 'injured' when running around to go see Dahyun now were you?" I scoff.

"You're annoying. At least help me"

"Fine," I sigh, getting off the couch.

"Oh, and one more thing" He paused, his expression softening "Hyoeun is coming too."


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