t h i r t y o n e

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We spent about an hour at the park before going home. I carried the cat carrier in my arms as we walked side by side. The sun was starting to set and the sky turned a nice golden pink. The breeze picked up, cooling the both of us as we walked.

"This really feels like a date, you know," He spoke up.

"If this was a date then my cats are third wheeling, and I would never do that to them," I say back. It did really feel like a date, but I would never admit that. My noodle arms were starting to get sore from carrying my cats but I kept walking with no complaints.

"Want me to carry that for you?" He suddenly asked.

"It's fine, I can-" And before I could even finish my response, He took the cat carrier from me and held it himself. I muttered a thank you and continued walking.

"Mom, we're home," I said as I entered the house. Hyunjin opened the cat carrier and let the three roam around the living room again.

"I made dinner!" My mom said as she set the table with plates and utensils. Hyunjin and I sat down across from each other at the table, eating the food my mom prepared. It's been a while since I ate a home cooked meal from my mom. And to say I missed them was an understatement.

After dinner, we both helped my mom wash dishes and clean up the kitchen before going back upstairs. I went to my room, changed into a random t-shirt and biker shorts and then got back in my blanket. There was a knock at my door, followed by Hyunjin walking in.

"You doing anything?" He asked.

"Nothing," I reply.

"Want to watch a movie?"

"Sure," I nod, rolling over to make room for him. He joined the bed with me, getting under my blanket. I turned on my TV, launching up Netflix and finding a random rom com movie to watch.

"The more the day goes on, the more this feels like a date," He randomly said.

"What, you want it to be one?" I scoff, since he kept mentioning this.

"Yes?" He scoffed back, making me blush.

"You're weird," I mumble.

"Let's just call it a date at this point, you know it is one," He teased, grinning.

"Do whatever you want, dude," I mumble. It would actually be nice if this was a date, but obviously I wasn't going to admit that.

"Okay then, it's a date," He smiled cutely.


"Since we've already established that we're on a date, can we cuddle?" He asked with puppy eyes. He looked way too cute to say no to, so I just sighed and nodded. He smiled before wrapping his arms around my waist, snuggling against my chest. Luckily my heart rate was normal right now, if it sped up anymore he would be able to hear it.

"What's the movie about?" He asked.

"Some girl who got sent to her past life," I reply. But my focus was on anything other than the movie.

- - -

"JiJi, wake up," I stirred awake when I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes slowly to see what was happening. Hyunjin was still lying next to me, and it seemed like we fell asleep.

"Mmm, what happened?" I mumble tiredly, turning over to face him.

"It's 2 am, we fell asleep," He said, moving some of my hair out of my face. "I'll go back to my room." He tried getting out of the bed, but I stopped him.

"It's already 2 am, just sleep here," I mumble, my eyes half open. He got back under the blanket with me and cuddled again, this time with me being the little spoon this time.

- - -

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?" My brother's voice pierced through the room. My eyes fluttered open, taking in my surroundings. Minho was standing at my door, a shocked look on his face. I didn't get why he was so shocked, he's seen me and Hyunjin sleeping together multiple times. That was, until I saw Hyunjin's shirt tossed on the floor and realized what Minho was thinking.

"Wait- no no no, we didn't-" I tried explaining but Minho had already gotten the wrong idea and was smirking at my doorway. Hyunjin woke up soon after, and he realized the situation.

"Dude, we didn't do anything," He said, picking up his shirt from the ground and putting it back on.

"Then why were you shirtless?" Minho asked, wiggling his brows.

"Yeah, why were you shirtless?" I also asked.

"It got hot in the middle of the night, so I took it off," He said, brushing up his hair.

"Hm, alright, I believe you," Minho said, finally leaving my room. I got out of my bed, stretching my sore arms and yawning.

"I know you prefer me without a shirt anyways, you pervert," Hyunjin said as he also got out of bed.

"I'm not a pervert," I scoff. But it's true that I did prefer him without a shirt on. Let's not talk about that, though.

what do ya'll think of the new cover?
also, this is very much a filler, but some more drama will happen starting from the next chapter

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