FEAR GARDEN (au i rlly like and wanna talk about)

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okie dokie so uh, Fear Garden (book one).

I love Fear Garden and I am actually 13 chapters away from finishing the WHOLE THING!! (well book one but let me have my moment) I think it's really well written and has good deaths! Someone actually wrote down the deaths in the comments and I have it, here ya go!

1st Firey (fell to his death)
2nd Rocky (stabbed in the head)
3rd Woody (brutally stabbed)
4th Flower (Poisoned)
5th Needle (Pin broke her neck)
6th Teardrop (Poisoned)
7th Puffball (stabbed)
8th Gelatin (fell to his death and hit the fence)
9th Fries (Stabbed..?)
10th Coiny (Stabbed)
11th Golfball (slammed against the sharpened edge of a display case)
12th Tennis ball (brutally stabbed)
13th Spongey (Ripped into 2 pieces)
14th Bomby (...)
15th Nickel (blood lost?)
16th Leafy (Stabbed)
17th Match (Burnt)
18th Pencil (Dismembered) 

So yeah!! My favorite had to be Pencil's death, it was so creative and cool and yeah. Everything about it is just, *CHEFS KISS*. I honestly can't wait to get onto book two! This is also a bit stress relieving to read this because I have this major test tmr that's worth like, probably half of my grade, maybe more. 

BACK TO FEAR GARDEN, I really think it's interesting on who 'Scarlet' may be since Coiny called Pin Scarlet before his death. I just love watching BFDI characters get traumatized!! I also really like listening to music while reading it and my music has NEVER matched up with the scene, I remember listening to Ruby sing Two Trucks once while jello boy was getting pushed off the roof, and then listening to Around The Bend by CheesyHFJ once in a nice scene were Pin was being a good civilian for once!!

But yeah, that's all I got. Thanks for your time!!! (wow I wrote this entire thing in 15 minutes-)

MY SILLY SHENANAGINS!1!!11! 🤩🤩😍😜😜Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ