Test Tube's baja blast (Fanfic idea or sum?? idk)

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hello again peoples!!!! Today a new objectified thingy comes out 😎😎 if u don't know what that is, go search it up on Pinterest.

bUT ANYWAY, I am here to share the joys of a fanfic idea I got when up at 2AM today:O (i am never going to sleep at 7 anymore.) So basically, Box gets moldy or sum, maybe test tube radiation of her baja blast gets to her, but either way someone gets really fucking sick, an then the whole hotel gets sick and it turns into chaos.

Now that I put it on paper, it sounds rlly bad.  oh well.

MY SILLY SHENANAGINS!1!!11! 🤩🤩😍😜😜Where stories live. Discover now