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In the realm of the internet,
we found a connection,
A friendship formed
through screens,
a digital affection.
But now you're leaving,
and my heart feels the rejection,
Alone again,
facing the void,
a solitary reflection.

Your absence leaves a void,
an empty cyber space,
The silence echoes loudly,
a reminder of your grace.
You were my confidant,
my virtual hiding place,
Now I'm left alone,
longing for your embrace.

But I understand, for you
are an introverted soul,
Seeking solace in solitude,
your own personal goal.
Though it's hard to accept,
I respect your self-control,
Even if it means I'm left behind,
feeling less whole.

In the vast expanse of the
online world, I'll roam,
Searching for new connections,
a sense of belonging to comb.
But the memory of our friendship,
like a beacon, will still glow,
A reminder of the bond we had,
even if you had to go.

So, dear friend,
though you may be antisocial,
it's true, Know that you'll always
have a place in my heart, too.
In the realm of the internet,
where connections renew,
I'll cherish the moments we shared,
as I bid you adieu.

Remember, even if your online friend
is leaving due to being antisocial
and won't find a way for us to
contact, it doesn't diminish the
value of the connection we shared
for almost two years. I'll cherish the memories and remain open to new friendships that may come your way.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 24 ⏰

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