Episode 23

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-News With The Neverseen Episode 23-

Gethen's POV

"Hello, and welcome to News with the Neverseen. I am your host, Gethen Ondsinn." I nodded to the camera.

"And I'm Alvar Vacker."

"We have some very important events to cover today, including the expected crumbling of Lumenaria. Alvar, please tell us more."

"Gladly," Alvar said as he took the spotlight. "As a result of extreme rain in the area, Lumenaria has experienced multiple landslides. Authorities fear that the building will begin to crumble as well."

I put a surprised hand over my mouth. "Really? How horrible. Has anyone been evacuated yet?"

Alvar nodded. "Those in the front of the building, near the cliff, were evacuated a mere day ago. People in the back of the building are on watch and may need to evacuate at any time."

"Good to know." I smiled. "Please stay tuned to our channel to find out what is going to happen next. How will the council react? Will Luminaria be evacuated? We will see you after the break."

The lights dimmed, and I slipped out of my chair.

"You looked great up here, Gethen." Umber told me.

"Mhm," I answered. How did she get so close to me? Before I knew it, Umber's arms were draped over my shoulders. The only thing I could seem to see were her lips.

"I love you," She whispered.

My brain melted out of my eyeballs. She loved me? I was the luckiest guy on earth.

"Me—Love...Too—You—." I responded intelligently.

"No PDA in the office, please!" Said a voice that made me wish I could disappear. As far as Fintan knew, I was still with Gisela. What would he do if he found I had the hots for his new employee? "Wait, who is this?"

I willed Umber to be silent, but of course she spoke anyway. "Oops, sorry Fintan."

"Umber?" I could practically hear Fintan's eyes narrow. "And... Gethen?"

"No!" I squeaked. I must say, not my finest moment.

"What–what about Gisela?" Fintan took a step towards me.

My ears turned bright red. I saw Umber tense.

"Is that why you've been strange lately?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I played dumb, which wasn't hard.

Fitnan sighed. "We need to talk. Follow me to my office."

I groaned inwardly. Fintan's "talks" were never good. But I followed him anyway, mostly because I'd probably get fired if I didn't.

As soon as I stepped foot in the room, Fintan shut the door. He gestured for me to take a seat in one of the uncomfortable chairs, and I complied.

"What's going on with you, Gethen?" Fintan asked. To my relief, he sounded more concerned than angry. "You're not normally that much of a player."

"Gee, thanks." I muttered.

"That's not what I meant." Fintan struggled to regain his authoritative composure. "I mean, you used to be a lot more committed. It seems to me that you're leading Gisela on. That's not like you."

"I'm not!" I insisted.

"Well, you should at least clear things up with her. It's clear you haven't."

I lowered my head. "Fine. Can I go now?"

Fintan hesitated. "One more thing. I want to... I want to make sure you're happy."

I squinted at him. "Why are you being so mushy all of a sudden?"

Fintan looked taken aback. "We've been friends for years, Gethen. Do you really think I don't care about your emotions?"

I shrugged uncomfortably. "I'm fine, Fintan. Happy?"

Fintan didn't look happy at all, but he seemed to think he got all he could out of me. "You can go now, Gethen. We will talk later."

I didn't need to be told twice. I bounced out of my chair and ran out the door.


When I reached the main office, the room was buzzing with activity.

A few people shot a look at me. Did they know yet, or was it just me being paranoid?

Alvar came up to me, and I tensed. "Uh, dude, look what people have been saying about you."

I squinted at the phone that had been put in my face. I was shocked at what I read. Did you know that NWN host Gethen Ondsinn has two girlfriends?

"Is it true?" Alvar asked. "Because–"

"Of course it's not!" I exploded. "Where did you find this? Who would have the nerve to begin this?"

"It's everywhere, Gethen. There's so many posts, it will be impossible to find how it began." Alvar said. "And there's more." He clicked a few buttons and put the phone in my face again. The post was even worse. Gethen Ondsinn has ugly hair.

I was shocked. "They're liars!" I stamped my foot. "Jealous liars!"

"Ooh!" Alvar scrolled to show me something else. I like Alvar better. So do all my friends. This just makes me flat out dislike Ondsinn.

That was it. I began to sob.

"Gethen! What's wrong?" Umber was at my side almost immediately.

All I could do was whimper, so Alvar tilted the screen towards Umber so she could see.

Umber's face hardened, then softened immediately. "That's awful, Gethen. What are you going to do?"

"I-I don't know!" Panic flared in my chest. "W-w-what if Fintan believes them? I could be fired!"

"Didn't you and Fintan just have a similar conversation? I think he trusts you." Umber attempted to soothe me.

"You're right." My eyes narrowed. "Wait–how do you know what Fintan and I were talking about?"

Umber briefly hesitated. "Uh, I guessed."

"No, you didn't! Were you listening in on our private conversation?"

At least Umber looked ashamed. "I'm sorry, Gethen. I just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong!"

I considered her for a minute. "Just... don't do it again."

Umber smiled, the kind of smile that would make a whole room turn and stare. "Glad to hear I'm forgiven."

I made a half-hearted attempt to smile back. "I think I need some space. And I'd find whoever started that rumor. I'd make sure they'd regret it.

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