Episode 21

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[A/N: Sorry it's been so long since my last post...]

Gethen's POV


Umber pulled away all too soon. "See you later, Gethen. And head to your office soon. I'll be waiting." Then she left before I regained the ability to speak.

I wasn't not quite sure how long I sat there, my mind reeling and thoughts racing. Did Umber really just–

"Gethen?" The door to the closet opened, and light spilled back into the small room. "Umber told me I would find you here. I thought I told you to be with someone at all times! It's for your own safety! Now I need to talk to Umber, too."

"Uh-wha?" was seemingly all I was capable of saying.

"Gethen? Is everything alright?" The mop hiding me from the doorway moved, revealing Fintan's worried face. "You're awfully red. Do I need to call the police?" Fintan's hand fumbled for his phone.

"No! Of course not! All is well." I let out a hysterical giggle. However, that only served to make Fintan more worried. He grabbed his pager and began typing something into it. [A/N: Why not? It fits the theme. I also watch a ton of TV shows from the early 2000s. For those who don't know, Pagers are devices that receive messages. They were widely used in the workplace, fire stations, and hospitals between the 1980s through the early 2000s. (They're still used today, but they're not very common.)]

"You still have a pager?" I asked.

"Why not?" Fintan crossed his arms. "You still have a BlackBerry."

I ignored him. "Who are you paging?"

"Gisela. Clearly there's something wrong with you. Maybe seeing her will bring you back to your senses." Fintan pressed a button that I assumed was send. [A/N: Not me spending 10-20 minutes researching pagers and still not finding where the send button is–]

"No!" I yelled. "You really don't need to do that. Page her again and tell her it was a false alarm!"

"No, Gethen! Something's been with you lately. And I'm hoping Gisela will figure out what's been going on with you."

"I don't know what you're talking about! I'm fine!" I tried to look nonchalant. I failed.

"Don't lie to me, Gethen. I've known you for many years. I can discern when you're telling the truth."

"I am telling the truth. And either way, it's my business. You shouldn't be worrying about it."

Fintan looked unconvinced. "It is my business. Both as your boss and your friend. And I keep calling Gisela over because I think she's good for you. You're different around her. Less... arrogant."

"Are you calling me arrogant?" I asked, squinting at him.

"Maybe a little," Fintan conceded. "But you know it's true. Though it's gotten better lately."

"Thanks?" I raised an eyebrow.

"And Gethen–"

"Gethen? Everything okay?" The door to the janitor closet opened. "I got Fintan's page."

"Over here!" Fintan called, winking at me. "I'll just go, now that you're here."

"That's completely unnecessary." I told him.

"Don't worry about it," he whispered, clearly not catching my signal. Then he left.

"What happened, Gethen?" Gisela asked worriedly.

Oh, nothing much, just... ya know?

"Uh, I just felt really dizzy all of the sudden." I lied. I hoped she'd buy it, but my chances were low. In case you haven't noticed, I was a terrible liar.

"Should you go back to the hospital? Maybe they were wrong about the panic attack. Maybe it was something else. Maybe–"

"Gisela," I interrupted, "don't worry about it. I'm fine. Nothing's wrong."

Gisela knit her eyebrows. "Are you sure? You should have been more careful. I thought Fintan told you to never go anywhere alone."

"Oops," was the only thing I could think of to say.

Gisela rolled her eyes. "From now on, I want you to listen to Fintan's guidance. He's right–usually."

"I beg to differ." I crossed my arms and leaned against a bucket. At least, I hoped it was a bucket. It didn't seem very suave to check, though, so I refrained. "Remember when his rules got us stuck in an elevator?" "Remember? Gethen, that was a few days ago. Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Gisela knelt forward to check my temperature.

"Of course! I'm fine!" I repeated for the hundredth time. "Let's head somewhere with more space."

Gisela nodded. "Your office?"

Panic coursed through me. My office? Didn't Umber say she'd be waiting there? I couldn't have Gisela seeing her.

Before I could argue, Gisela hauled me up and marched down the hall and into the doorway.

"Umber? Gisela asked, stopping in her tracks.

"Gisela. What are you doing with Gethen?" Umber grit her teeth. I wondered what that was about. I'd never understand girls.

"Fintan alerted me of something going on with him. Have you noticed anything unusual happening with him lately?" Gisela dragged me forward.

Umber managed a sly smile. "Can't say that I have."

I was pretty sure my face turned bright red at that moment.

Gisela nodded, backing up slowly. "I see. I have to go. Bye." She half-walked, half-ran out of the room without another word.

"Do you think she knows?" I asked as Gisela disappeared.

"Who cares if she does? Her feelings are none of your business anymore." Umber stepped closer. "Don't you agree?"

I managed a nod. "Whatever you say, Umber."

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