07. Interlude I : Junko Enoshima

Start from the beginning

"You lost." Yukizome's momentary interest had faded to the back of her mind she addressed the fashionista despondently. Just sitting next to the despair made her skin crawl

"Lose? Us? We haven't the slightest idea of what you mean, harlot! What we just witnessed wasn't Hope vs Despair. It was Hope vs Crazier Hope that just looks like despair." A crown somehow found its away onto Enoshima's head.

"Regardless, your influence over that world is gone. I don't see what more you can do so why not just fade away somewhere and never be heard from again?" Chisa smiled innocuously. Passive-aggression was probably the limit of civility she could show this demon and even that was solely because Chisa was in the same boat for helping in bringing about the tragedy, willfully or no.

"Whoa! Don't just ambiguously tell someone to die; it could actually happen ya know!?" Junko's mood turned depressive "Ah wait that was a joke. Since we're already dead and all."

"Indeed, so why am I here when I should be dead as well? Or did your parents never even teach you to let the dead rest in peace?" She cocked an eyebrow

"Uwaah, what's with this sassy teacher? I brought you here out of the goodness of my heart you know." Junko faked cuteness

"This way you'd get to see how things turned out after you died. Wouldn't it have sucked if you just bit it and never knew whether Muna-hottie would go batshit? Like your favorite show being in its last season and some douchebag pops you before the final episode."

She felt a headache coming on "Then you failed spectacularly. Despite certain losses, it had the opposite effect on me." Her thoughts were of her friend and newly discovered rival, Juzo.

"Yes...that didn't develop as I predicted." Enoshima's gaze returned to the screen.

Chisa did the same and noticed the remainder of class 78 (besides Fukawa) together. All five of them. Apparently Kyouko Kirigiri had survived a close dealing with death. A genuine smile crept onto Chisa's lips.  Not simply because the detective was alive nor due to the happy expressions on the faces of her friends but knowing that her former colleague's sacrifice had truly been worthwhile. Chisa had always thought of Koichi as a slacker, both as a teacher and a director at the future foundation but his actions in the killing game had changed all that. She was glad to have had such a courageous person as a senior.

"Aight, enough of this shit!" Punk Junko snapped her fingers and the screen paused. The lights in the overly spacious Cineplex had also illuminated.

"That'll be all for now, Tits. I'll be sure to call again when I need ya!" She slapped Chisa on the back repeatedly.

The former ultimate housekeeper stood up from her seat. With her back turned she asked "Junko...where are we and why did you really bring me here?"

"Hm? You mean this dusty old place?" Even with her back turned, Chisa knew the blond was wearing a condescending grin. Of course, the chance of receiving a direct answer to even the simplest question was slim. Nothing was ever simple with her.

"As far as you're concerned, you can call it purgatory...or maybe its heaven."  Laughter ensued from both women. It was the sort of morbid joke that one couldn't help but marvel in sheer incredulity. Neither of them would ever be allowed to set one foot in such a utopia. No, if they were destined for anywhere in the after-life, it was obviously hell. Is that where she was?

"It doesn't really matter in the end, you know. What's interesting here is that we have both ascended the realm of the living. In which case don't you think where isn't nearly as relevant as what we are?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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