Chapter 19

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- So what happened exactly at the dressing room earlier today? - she asked me again once when we were in a nearby restaurant - And don't you dare avoid the answer!

- Eh... Do you really want to know?

- Yes.

After getting my straight together I told her about mine and Diego's "relationship".

- I see, I see... - she smirked.

- I don't know what is going to happen when the show finishes... But either way he's an amazing guy and I love him.

- I can see you do... And after what I heard I think he loves you too! You just need to believe and wait!

- I hope so... As I don't think I'll ever find anyone as amazing as he is in my life.

She smiled.

- Just stay beside him... He's already really loves you and he'll just love you even more after finding out about you calling me here for his sake.

This suddenly made me blush.

- Well... We'll see... - I mumbled.

- Yes, we definitely will - she smiled as we continued talking for some more time.

----- TIME SKIP -----

For the evening I was already so tired that I was so happy to finally arrived home to Leon and just focus on him and relaxing.

Once when I was alone and just laying in my bed I got a call from Diego which I picked up almost immediately.

- Hey, beautiful! Hope I didn't wake you up - he said.

- No, you didn't - I mumbled while I just couldn't stop smiling.

- That's good... Because I wanted to talk to you.

- Well... We can now.

- What was up with you today? You were acting pretty strange.

- What? I wasn't strange!

- You were... Kinda.

- Kinda! - I repeated - I've been busy the whole day and I just layed down in my bed!

- I see, I see.

- What's with that tone now?!

- What tone? I talk like this all the time - he said and I could literally feel him smirking through the phone.

- This... Cheeky... Tone... Or I don't know what to call it!

- Cheeky tone, huh?

- Yes!

- This is the less cheeky tone I have... You sure would realize when I'm really cheeky.

- What is that supposed to mean?! - I snapped.

- You know it pretty well - he replied - Once this show finished I'll make sure to show you how I'm acting when I'm really cheeky!

- Well... Can't wait for that! But don't try to lose because of this... Okay?

- I wasn't planning to do that... I'm just telling you what I'm thinking now. And I have one more thing...

- What is it?

- Seeing you almost every day... So close, but so far away from me... It's really painful... But I know it worth it! Because you worth it... You worth all the time I'm waiting... All the pain I'm feeling... Because I love you way too much to give up on having you in my arms... And calling you officially "my girlfriend"... Or "my wife"...

At this point I gasped so loudly that he began to laugh.

- Of course I'm not in a hurry with getting married as you aren't either... I just want you in my arms... That could make me truly happy...

- I feel the same way... - I muttered.

- Good... Because sooner, or later... You'll be mine...

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