Chapter 11

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After we both calmed we talked anout our parts in this hew show that'll be starting in 2 months...

- So you'll be a part of this competition, huh... - I sighed - I'll be a member of the jury...

- Wait... Are you trying to tell me that we can't meet up for a while like this?

- I did not mean to say that...

- But this is the case... - he sighed sadly - That make sense though...

- I'm sorry, I...

- No! No... Don't you dare say no to the job because of me! - he snapped then he smiled and took a hold of my hand and kissed it.

- But then we...

- We can't meet as much as we want... But we can still meet secretly - he winked - And besides... If you're scared of me finding someone else to be in love with then don't... Don't be scared... - he smiled then placed his big, always warm hand on my cheek - I love you and only you... Don't forget that...

- I won't - I now smiled too while I was looking into his eyes the whole time.

- Good then - he smiled too then after finishing with lunch we went to take a walk and then we both went home.

----- TIME SKIP -----

3 days later I went to meet up with the producers and the other jury members of Notti Sul Ghiaccio and I really had no idea what to expect.

When I arrived there I was introduced to Victoria Pession, choreographer, Simona Ventura, Marco Liorni and Enzo Miccio.

They seem alright... I think it's going to go great.

- Selvaggia! - suddenly Enzo spoke to me.

- Huh? What?

- As I heard you and one of the skaters are pretty close! What was his name? Uhm... Diego!

- Uh... We're only friends! - I replied - We have been friends for a while now, but it won't make me change my point on what will he do and how will he do it.

- Okay... - he mumbled, looking suspiciously at me.

Good god! What the hell is his problem all of a sudden?!


----- TIME SKIP -----

After the meeting I agreed with Diego to meet up at my house to talk, but as I was passing by at the entrance of the studio I saw him talking with this woman... Probably his partner and once again pure jealous got into me and I just left, slightly angrily.

I didn't say anything to him because I still wanted to talk to him either way and when he arrived to my house early evening I didn't know how to greet him which he noticed immediately.

- Hey, what's wrong? - he asked - Did something happened at the meeting?

- Nothing, apart from the fact that one of my colleagues is already suspecting something... - I groaned.

- I see...

- And uh... How's your partner?

- Oh! Well... She seems nice so I'm not that worried.

- Yeah, I saw that.

- I know you did - he smirked - But you shouldn't feel upset, you know...

I didn't say anything so he continued:

- Did you notice that I have a ring on right now? - he asked as he took my hand and as he lifted it up I saw his ring.

- Huh?

Now he handed me a little box.

- What I have on is a promise ring... And in the box there's the other one... And I want it to be yours... And I know it sounds childish... But if you love me than please take it... And this should be the thing that keeps as together while we're apart...

My eyes widened.

- So what do you say? - he asked - Because I'm still not giving up on you, even if you say no - he added with a cheeky grin on his face.

- I'll take it... - I said - But then don't disappoint me!

- I won't! - he smiled happily.

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