Chapter 8

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Days and days were passing by and it seemed like Diego's seriously interested in me.

I mean... He has been inviting me to dates, surprising me at my work and sending me cute letters too.

I'm really not used to this... To this kind of flirty man, that does everything to make me smile.

It was a long time ago when someone wanted to make me happy this badly, but I'm happy I found someone.

But also... Sometimes I don't know if he's serious about it, or not...


Because he seems to hang out with some other women and I have no idea who they are, or if he's interested in any of them and this scares me.

- I don't think he's interested in those women! - said Ivana - He's only interested in you!

- Are you sure about it? I mean... He's a really handsome guy that could get anyone he wants...

- Come on! Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?! You're one sexy woman! Who doesn't want you is obviously an idiot!

This made me laugh immediately and this was the moment when I heard...

- I totally agree!

It was Diego, peeking into my house from the open window, making both me and Ivana jump.

- Diego! What the hell?! - I snapped, but he just laughed.

- I didn't mean to scare you, ladies... But I heard you talking and I couldn't help peeking... - he smirked - But I completely agree with Ivana!

- See? Told ya! - Ivana laughed while she let Diego in.

- Stop it, both of you! - I laughed awkwardly then I turned to Diego - But what are you doing here anyway?

- I was near here so I wanted to check on you - he said - I'm glad I did...

- Me too - I mumbled - Me too...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Hours and hours together we have been having a good time, but when Ivana left me and Diego were left alone.

- Oh god... Seems like it's raining - I said as I looked outside the window and I simply decided to go out to the garden to get some fresh air.

Some seconds later I heard Diego coming out too after me and also took a deep breath.

- I love the smell of the rain... - he said - The noise... It's so peaceful...

- Yeah... Some rain and it can clear my mind completely...

I could feel Diego was smiling behind me as I said that.

- Everything is so peaceful... It makes me happy... More happy than usual...

- I agree... - he said and a second later I felt him slowly wrapping his arms around me - I totally agree...

- What... Are you doing?? - I muttered as I really had no idea what to do.

- Well...

He suddenly pulled me out under the rain.

- I thought you might need some rain to get fresh! - he said playfully.

- You bastard! - I laughed as I ran out to the rain.

I always feel so childish when it's raining, but mostly when I have someone to be childish with.

And now I have...

Diego ran out after me and quickly caught me there.

- Got ya! - he smirked.

- You did... - I giggled as we were now looking into each other's eyes.

- You know... You have beautiful eyes... - he whispered - I could stare into them every day...

- Diego...

He didn't say anything more, he slowly leaned closer to me and kissed me...

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