Chapter 13 - The Trial

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In the room, Hannah saw Jamie, Ellie, Lottie, the King, the Queen, Ellie's Grandmother and Sir Nikolay Olav.
It was a grand throne room. Regal and royal. Lottie and Hannah felt out of place amongst the Royalty of Maradova. Just two normal girls, living normal lives, in a Palace.
"Princess Eleanor Prudence Wolfson," Sir Nikolay announced, "You have requested an official audience to enact Act 6. Counterarguments are - and I quote from the King's Mother - 'She has disappointed us over and over again.'"
What's Act 6?

Sir Nikolay Olav started saying all of Hannah and Lottie's past life and everything about them. It annoyed Hannah with how much power the Royal Family had. How they managed to get every bit of information about them by just asking for it.
"...Both Lottie and Hannah got into Rosewood as Scholars. Lottie is an Academic Scholar and Hannah is a Drama Scholar."
"Seems like we have 2 very diligent workers with us-" Ellie's mum says before being interrupted by the King's Mother,
"If these two can do that under their circumstances why can't Ellie? I knew it was a mistake not sending her to Aston Court,"
"I'm sorry, your majesty, but Ellie is actually working very hard at Rosewood Hall," Jamie glared at Lottie, most likely asking her to shut up but she carried on, "She's been invited to tryout for the Fencing Team by Dame Bolter herself, an Olympic Gold Medalist, hangs out with the smartest girl in school at the library and helps me with my maths homework. And I'd do anything for her to stay. So would Hannah."
Hannah wasn't sure about that, but she'd lie to get a good impression on the King and Queen.
The Queen jumped in, "Would you sign your life over to us?"
"Absolutely not!" Ellie's grandmother shrieked, "Anyways, she has a sister."
"Mother, may I remind you we are here for an Act 6 request," the King countered.
Hannah had to stifle a laugh. She found this whole situation quite ridiculous.
"Ellie is just looking for an excuse to avoid her responsibilities. This time, dragging two ordinary girls with her. They shouldn't be Portmans!"
"Excuse me, what's a-" Hannah started.
"Lottie would be a good influence for Ellie," the Queen mentioned.
Hannah kept trying to say something but kept getting interrupted.
"Please, could you-"
"Exactly! So please can she be my Portman?"
"Not to interrupt, but what's-"
"They certainly meet the criteria-"
Hannah was struggling to understand what they were talking about, as if they weren't speaking English.
The silence was deafening. Hannah felt the tension in the room.
Ellie sighed, "Dad, can you make your decision now? I can't keep my friends in the dark anymore."
Nobody said anything for a minute or two while they decided.
"Very well. But if Lottie and Hannah are sisters, everyone would think Hannah is a princess too. We only have one daughter," the King concluded.
"I'm sure we can pretend to have two daughters. If we say Hannah wasn't a princess but Lottie was, everyone would guess that Lottie isn't the Maravish Princess either. I'm sure it won't make much difference with them both pretending," the Queen suggested.
"Then let it be written. Miss Charlotte Edith Pumpkin and Miss Hannah Mae Pumpkin are now to act as Maravish Princesses as long as they agree," the King stated.
"We agree," Lottie rudely said for them both.
"Then you are all excused."
Ellie skipped outside, dragging Lottie by her arm, Jamie followed and Hannah trailed behind them.
Hannah wasn't sure how she felt about the whole situation. It was always about Lottie, not about her.

Dear Diary,              October 24th
Today, the craziest thing happened. At Maradova, the trial ended up meaning if Lottie and I were to be Portmans or not. I only just found out a Portman is someone that acts in the role of someone else, usually of importance. Anyways, I'm not sure if I actually want to be a Portman. Usually, I love and live for attention. But only for my talent - Not because of social status. Everyone would probably try to be my friend saying, "OMG! Hi! Love your skirt and whole outfit, by the way. Any chance I can see the Palace or atleast get an interview?" Nobody would tell me the truth, hoping I'd like them because I'd be, "Princess of Maradova, sister to the heir." It's just always got to be about Lottie. What about me? I have feelings too.


The view was rainy, outside the plane window. Hannah looked out at the clouds but it eventually got boring. Luckily, Lottie started talking.
"How long had you been planning this, Ellie?"
"A while."
Hannah eavesdropped.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Lottie asked.
Jamie explained, "She couldn't, Lottie, it would be breaking the rules."
"Sorry for eavesdropping, but, isn't Ellie some sort of insane rule-breaker? She literally tried raiding the Ivy House Cafe at 3AM once," Hannah countered.
"Hannah, stop!" Jamie yelled, "Ellie really couldn't tell either of you for the safety of those with Portmans," he changed the subject, "I will be training the both of you on how to act like Perfect Princesses for Ellie's reputation. They will start before lessons everyday."
Jamie heard Hannah groan. She didn't even want to play princess in the first place!
"You must come, Hannah. You will be acting as a Maravish Princess."
"Fine! Whatever." Hannah rolled her eyes.

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