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My phone buzzed into my side again after I had turned it off at least ten times. I finally picked it up and answered it.

"Hey uce, we are all going to get breakfast wanna come?" Jon asked as soon as I answered.
"No not really." I said rubbing my eyes.
"Bruh come on it will be fun." He pleaded.
"Is Joshua there?" I ask contemplating his offer.
"Um, yes but he doesn't know im inviting you." He instantly becomes quieter.
"Ugh, bye Jon I'll see you later." I said hanging up.

I rolled my eyes and laid back down, turning over to my window. I looked outside at all the flowers falling from the trees that were speckled around my yard. The sun glowed down at my pool making the water glisten as it splashed around.

I felt I could sit and stare at my backyard for ages, but sadly I knew I couldn't.

I stood up from my bed grabbing my glasses from the side table and walked down to the kitchen. Walking around the island in the middle of the kitchen and to the fridge and opened it up, after a quick scan of everything in it I grabbed a bottle of water.

I twisted it open and took a quick sip before checking my phone, this time John had texted me.

You have your own dressing room👍

Yess finally

I told you so

You in fact did

I set my phone back down, finished my drink and walked back upstairs to change.

Opening my closet i looked at the array of clothes and grabbed a crop top and a grey jacket to put over it.

I put a pair of shorts on and looked at my self in the mirror before grabbing my keys and walking out of the door.

I stopped at Dunkin' to get a coffee instead of stopping at a cafe because I had a long way to drive. I turned on my playlist singing and slightly dancing to the music.


I pulled up to the arena fixing my hair quickly before jumping out of my car. I texted Jonathan to let him know I was on my way in.

Im here where is you

Stay where you are im gonna come
and get you

I silently nodded at my phone and put it back in my pocket. I looked around and really took in what was gonna happen in these next few hours. What if I botched, or mess something up, what if people dont buy me and Josh together.

My heart started racing, I've never been this scared to perform. I took a breath of the spring air and tried to calm myself down quickly.

Jonathans voice cut my thought, "Uce, are you ready." He asks walking up with Joshua.

"Oh, yeah I am, shall we go?" I say rushing them into the arena. "Yeah yeah let's go," Jon said taking Joshua with us.

"Have you gone through your game plan yet?" Jon asked catching up with me. "Did you really ask me that?" I ask trying to sound offended.

Jon laughed at me and I join him look over at him and his brother looking everywhere but in my direction.

"Josh are you ready?" I ask trying to get him to play attention to us.
"Not if you're still joining us." He snapped finally looking at me.

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