"Scars don't define your strength"

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This chapter sheds light on self harm, so even though I gave a warning in the description, here's another trigger warning <3

*After they hugged for a few minutes Catra pulled away to ask Adora an important question*

"Hey, Adora?"

*Adora smiled*

"Yes Catra?"

*Catra looks away before continuing to speak*

"What made you decide to come apologize to me?"

*Adora's eyes widen and she sighs*

"I noticed several times during our fights that you seemed really not yourself, I know that could've been due to everything that was going on but you seemed extra tense and had a higher temper than usual, what really got me to notice was when you were talking with Scorpia a few weeks ago and then you just yelled at her randomly and by the look on your face I could tell you didn't mean it.."

*Catra listens in on everything Adora is saying and then she hears the last part and steps back while clenching her eyes shut*

*Adora looks at Catra with worry*

"Look, whatever it is Catra, you can tell me, I made a promise that we'd look out for each other, it's time I made progress on that"

*Catra sighs before looking at Adora seriously*

"Adora, promise me you won't tell anyone about this, no one else can know"

"I promise Catra, this is between you and me"

*Adora smiles softly*

*Catra begins to fidget with her hands and then finally speaks*

"You.. you know how lately I've been wearing really warm clothes during our fights even though it's really hot in bright moon?"

"Yeah I noticed"

*Adora says*

"Well.. it's.. it's for a reason and just please don't be disgusted or weirded out.. I get enough of that from Shadow Weaver"

*Adora's face is full of concern*

"I won't be weirded out or disgusted, I'm not like her Catra"

*Catra sighs before lifting up her sleeves to reveal a lot of scars on each arm*

"Well, this is why.."

*Adora's eyes widen as she puts her hand over her mouth*

"Catra? Did.. did you do that to yourself?"

*Catra's voice begins to get shakey*

"Y-Yeah.. I- I did, look I was in a bad place and everyone around me made me feel like I deserved to be in pain, and.. it went on for so long that I started to believe it"

*Adora's eyes fill with tears*

"Oh, oh Catra I'm so so sorry, can I please give you a hug?"

*Catra wipes her face with her hand before nodding her head*

*Adora pulls Catra into another hug but this time she's holding her as if she's about to fall off a cliff, the grasp she has on her likes she's begging her to stay*

*Catra finally lets her tears out and cries on Adora's shoulder*

*They both collapse to the ground as Catra continues to sob*

"Shh shh Catra, I'm here, it's okay just let it out, there's not one ounce of judgment in me whatsoever"

*Catra clings to Adora not wanting to let her go and she looks up at the blondie*

"I- I know you always have seen me as the strong and confident one but.. the truth is, I'm weak and a coward.. I'm not strong at all.."

*Adora frowns and holds Catra's face in her hands*

"Catra, listen to me, your scars do not define your strength, your strength is defined by how you handle situations and if you power through despite everything, and this has shown me just how strong and amazing you are, you've gone through so much and most people would've given up by now but, you're still here, if that's not strength I don't know what is"

*Catra smiles softly*

"You.. you really think so?"

*Adora smiles back*

"Of course I do Catra, here, hand me your arm"

*Catra looks at her confused and then reluctantly holds her arm out to her*

*Adora lifts up her sleeve and begins to plant kisses on each of the scars*

*Catra looks in shock as she continues*

*after Adora is done she looks up at Catra who is blushing like a tomato*

"Wait, we're not done yet I need to give your other arm some attention too"

*Catra giggles*

"No, this is so embarrassing Adora!!"

*Adora chuckles and smiles at her*

"It's not embarrassing Catra, there's no one else around except me and you"

"Well, I know that but.. I.. I just"

*Adora smirks at her*

"What? Are you getting nervous? Well, you can't get out of it, come on Catra hold out your arm"

*Catra rolls her eyes*

"Fine, don't get any ideas princess"

*Adora giggles*

"No promises"

*After Adora gives kisses all over Catra's arms she looks up at her with an endearing smile*

"Now, don't you ever think you are weak or a coward because of this, okay?"

*Catra smiles as tears begin to fall again*

"Okay.. thank you Adora"

*Adora giggles again*

"There's no need to thank me Catra, I'm your  friend, and you're deserving of love"

Eeeeek they're so gay, yes I said  friend because they haven't admitted their feelings to each other yet, but don't worry I'll get to that 🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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