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This will be in a different format than my other stories cause it's more of a serious story and I wanted it to look better, again reader discretion advised! <3

*This takes place a few months after Adora left the horde to fight in the rebellion*

*Catra wakes up like every other morning since then, alone*

*She groans as she sits up and rubs the tiredness out of her eyes*

"Another day another failure, I'm so excited"

*She said sarcastically as she gets up and changes from her sleep wear*

*She sighs looking at the scars on her arms before covering them up with a long sleeve top*

(This is before shadow weaver left also)

*She suddenly gets startled from a creeping voice near her*

"Catra hurry up we have no time to lose!"

*shadow weaver says with urgency in her voice disregarding how Catra feels*

"Okay I'm going yeesh"

*Catra says, annoyed by shadow weaver's presence*

*Shadow weaver notices Catra's tone and walks up to her*

"You best not have that attitude with me unless you want me to tell all your friends your little secret"

*Shadow weaver found out two weeks prior and instead of empathy she viewed it as a weakness*

*Catra looks up at her with wide eyes and anger*

"Come now child you wouldn't want people to know what a mess you've become do you?"

*Catra sighs and looks at the floor*

"I'm sorry Shadow weaver I'll do better"

*Shadow weaver turns around*

"Wonderful, come along now"

*Catra discreetly wipes away the tears that have formed in her eyes*

"I really hope she doesn't tell them, if she does, they're gonna see me differently, I've always been the confident one, what are they gonna think if they find out what I've done to myself?"

*Catra says in her mind while walking out of the room*

*She walks to the lockers to find Scorpia and Lonnie standing there talking*

"Hey wildcat!"

*Says Scorpia with a smile*

"Hi, having a nice conversation while you're supposed to be getting ready for training?"

*Catra says sternly covering up her pain and the fact that she actually likes it when Scorpia talks to her, but she can't be vulnerable around them*

"Oh, Sorry Catra I'll get ready Lonnie was just telling me about a prank she pulled on Kyle, it's real funny I can tell you later if you want"

*Scoroia says still keeping that dorky smile she has all the time*

"Yeah Catra ease up on us will ya?"

*Says Lonnie while rolling her eyes*

"You're slacking off while we're supposed to be figuring out more ways to crush the rebellion, stop with the side conversations and get to training, NOW."

*Catra says angrily pushing away any remaining pain she had from earlier in the morning*

*Lonnie scoffs and Scorpia looks at Catra with a frown knowing something is up but also being affected by Catra's words*

"Sorry Catra, it won't happen again"

"Good, now go."

*Catra says calmer than before*

"See ya in there wildcat"

*Scorpia says with a wink before walking away*

*Catra is left in the locker room alone*

*She throws a rock at the wall and groans in frustration*

*She then changes into her training outfit and sighs*

*She gets a glimpse of her scarlet wrists as tears form in her eyes again*

*She also notices she's gained some weight*

"Fuck, fuck, god why am I such a mess, Shadow Weaver is right"

"No, stop, mask it Catra, don't let anyone find out"

*She whispers*

*She wipes away the tears before fixing her hair and putting on that confident facade and then walks into the training room*

594 words

Authors message: Hope you enjoyed the first part of the story, I promise it won't stay this angsty, you'll get some fluff eventually 😉

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