Ch3-Lorenzo Harper

Start from the beginning

"He fucking killed people!" He shouts. Everyone flinches. Mom has a fresh new set of tears in her eyes.

"Christian that's enough." Uncle Alex warns him his ice cold glare.

"You killed people too. Don't act so fucking innocent now that you've past on some fucking genes." Uncle Rhys adds.

All the women here look ready to intervene if anything gets too messy.

"Not at fucking 20." He responds.

Uncle Josh roles his eyes and turns to me. "You gonna answer if I ask you a question?" He asks.

I nod my head in response.

"Why did you kill them?" He asks.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to." Aunt Ava tells me with her comforting smile.

"YES HE DOES!" Dad screams at Aunt Ava.


"Self defense." I lie. They can't know the real reason- not yet.

"Bullshit" my dad calls

We all hear some footsteps padding against the marble floor before Sofia comes in with sleepy eyes. She's not in the same dress I left her in though. She's in a silk shorts and shirt pj set.
She rubs her eyes and yawns.

"Whys everyone screaming?" She asks tiredly. Sofia is the baby of the family. She's the youngest of us all and has the face of an angel.

"Nothing little sunshine. Go back to bed." Alex answers softly. Sofia rolls her eyes.

"If it's nothing you guys wouldn't be screaming from the top of your lungs." She answers back.

"Sweetheart please go back to your room?" Ava pleads with her daughter. But I know Sofia well enough to know that she is stubborn as fuck.

"No. Not until someone explains what's everyone screaming about."

"Pr-Sofia please" I beg her. I almost mess up with the nickname causing a suspicious eye from Jules. Sofia looks at me suspiciously but shakes her head.

"You too? I already have to deal with my uncles and aunts and parents. Now I have to deal with you too?" She asks annoyed by everyone wanting to shoo her away.

"Sofa please?" Sofa is what Nico calls Sofia. It started off to annoy her but they both grew into it.

"Nope." She sits down on the cold floor leaning her head on her hands waiting for the explanation she wants.

"Get off the floor you'll get a cold." Ethan speaks up. Again Sofia rolls her eyes.

"Oh my god just tell me what's everyone screaming about and I'll go away like you guys want me too!" She says exhausted while getting up.

My heart breaks for her more than it did for my mom.

"I'm moving to London." I finally say. I can see her stomach drop as the color drains from her face.

"What?" She asks taken back.

"I'm moving to London." I repeat.

"I- Why? When?"

"Because he killed people." my dad answers coldly. Sofia sends a glare to my father that sends a tiny smile to my face and a shocked expression to his. Good girl.

"Why?" She asks again but this time directly asks me.

"Because I killed people."

"So did half the people here. Congratulations. That's not an answer." She says annoyed. My dad scoffs and I can feel my uncles making fun of him from across the room.

"It is to my father." I say giving her a soft smile.

"Then I'm coming with you." She decides. A smile grows on my face even though I really don't want her too.

"Sofia No." Alex says.

"Why not? Momma went there for a whole year." She says not backing down.

"I was there the whole time!"

"He's gonna be there the whole time!" She exclaims directing to me.

"It's supposed to teach him a lesson." My dad interrupts. Sofia looks confused for a second.

"By giving him full freedom?" She asks totally confused. I laugh a little as I realize she's not loosing this argument anytime soon.

"By giving him no way to see his family." My dad corrects. Sofia bursts out laughing.

"You own a private plane, you have enough money to buy a cruise and fun fact cell phones exist." She says through an angelic giggle.

"You're not going to London and that's final." Uncle Alex says strictly.

"Why not? Give me one good reason."

"You have to finish school sweetheart." Ava says softly.

"I'll do it online." She counters. Aunt Ava has a small proud smile at her daughter's stubbornness.

"Sofia no. It's his business not yours. Don't get yourself involved." Nico speaks up.

"He's your best friend!" She says. Nico looks a little guilty but it's not enough to stop his over protectiveness to Sofia.

"You can't come." I tell her softly, mentally preparing myself for what I'm about to tell her.


"Because I don't want you to," liar
"because your an inconvenience," liar
"Because you are just a child." That parts true.

Tears welled up in her eyes and I beat myself up for hurting her. "Fine. You don't like me around, I won't be around." With that she exits the house grabbing her phone and keys.

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