Walter white and Jesse turkey man

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summary: Jesse pinkman turns into turkey LOL

Walter White and Jesse Pinkman had been delving into uncharted territory in their lab once again, this time experimenting with new potions that promised untold possibilities. Jesse, ever the curious one, couldn't resist the temptation and took a gulp from a mysterious vial.

In a flash, Jesse transformed into a slab of raw turkey meat! His eyes widened in shock as he found himself unable to speak, only emitting muffled sounds. Walter stared in disbelief at the talking raw turkey meat before him, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

Just as Walter's mind raced with thoughts of what to do next, a glimmer of realization struck him. Today was Thanksgiving, and they needed a turkey for the feast they were hosting. Walter saw an opportunity in the bizarre situation before him. (uh oh 😯)

With a sense of urgency, Walter sprang into action. He quickly grabbed seasonings, herbs, and a roasting pan, determined to make the most of the unexpected turn of events. He seasoned the talking raw turkey meat with a blend of spices, his hands moving with practiced precision as he prepared the meat for the oven.

Jesse, the unlikely talking slab of turkey, found himself abruptly seized by Walter White. Despite his instinctual protests, he was unceremoniously thrust into the scorching oven alongside a myriad of seasonings, without a moment's hesitation in Mr. White's calculating mind. (Well, shiiii I would do the same. Turkey is fucking expensive. 🤷🏻‍♀️)

As the timer chimed and the oven dinged, Walter pulled out a perfectly cooked turkey, golden brown and fragrant. He placed it on the table, ready to impress Skylar, a smile of satisfaction playing on his lips.

As Walter gazed at the beautifully roasted turkey that had once been Jesse Pinkman, a twinkle of bittersweet humor danced in his eyes. Despite the absurdity of the situation, there was a sense of acceptance that settled over him, a silent acknowledgment of the unconventional circumstances that had led them to this moment.

"Bon appétit," Walter said softly, a mixture of irony and reverence in his voice as he gestured towards the roasted turkey. The aroma of Thanksgiving spices filled the room, mingling with the residual tension that lingered in the air.

Preparing himself for what lay ahead, Walter knew he had one last task to fulfill - to present the beautifully roasted turkey to Skylar for their Thanksgiving dinner Maybe she'll let him hit this time. Anyways! With a deep breath, he carefully carried the turkey to the dining table, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions.

Entering the dining room, Walter's eyes met Skylar's, a mixture of anticipation and apprehension in her gaze. As he set the roasted turkey down on the table, a hush fell over the room, the weight of their unspoken history hanging in the air.

Skylar looked at the roasted turkey, a blend of surprise and curiosity coloring her expression. "Walter, this... this looks amazing. What kind of turkey is this?" she asked, her voice tinged with genuine admiration.

Walter hesitated for a moment, the weight of his secret heavy upon him. Taking a deep breath, he met Skylar's eyes, a mix of sincerity and resolve in his gaze. "It's a special turkey, Skylar. A very special one," he replied cryptically, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Skylar's eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of suspicion crossing her features. Yet, as she observed the beautifully roasted turkey before her, a sense of wonder crept into her expression, masking the underlying doubts that lingered in her mind.

As Skylar and Walter were about to begin their meal, the sound of the ringing phone interrupted their moment. Skylar glanced at Walter, her expression reflecting confusion. Walter, however, simply smiled and assured her, "I'll get it."

As Walter picked up the phone, the room suddenly filled with the sound of footsteps approaching. Skylar's eyes widened in shock as a crew of people barged into the house. She looked at Walter, whose smile faded as he realized what was happening.

The leader of the crew, a stern-looking woman with a clipboard, spoke up. "Mr. White, we're from a TV show called 'What Would You Do?' and we've been filming a social experiment here tonight."

Walter's heart sank to his ass as he processed the gravity of the situation. He glanced back at the table, where the turkey that was once Jesse lay, now more horrifying than ever. He had never intended for his actions to be exposed in this way.

Skylar's expression shifted from confusion to a mix of disbelief and outrage. She turned to Walter, her voice trembling with anger. "Walter, is this true? Did you...cook Jesse?"

Walter shifted uncomfortably under her gaze he knows he's cooked but still hit her with the. "Skylar, I can explain..."

But before he could say more, the crew began setting up cameras around the dining room. The woman approached Skylar, trying to reassure her. "Ma'am, we're here to expose social issues and spark conversations. Your husband's actions tonight will be a part of our segment on ethical dilemmas in society."

Skylar was speechless, torn between her shock at Walter's actions and the intrusion of the crew into their lives. As the cameras started rolling, the crew began interviewing Walter, asking him to explain his decision to serve Jesse as the Thanksgiving turkey. Walter was indeed as cooked as Jesse.

Walter, realizing the severity of the situation, tried to justify his actions, claiming it was an unfortunate accident and that he had no other choice. But as he spoke, Skylar's disbelief turned into complete disillusionment.

With tears in her eyes, she stood up from the table, facing the crew and the cameras. "I can't believe this. I can't believe what you've done, Walter. He was your friend, your partner. How could you do this?"

The crew captured every moment of Skylar's emotional outburst, magnifying the tension in the room. Walter's facade of justification crumbled under his wife's raw emotions, and he was left exposed for the selfish act he had committed.

As the crew wrapped up their filming because nobody really gives a fuck about how boring this shit was getting, Skylar turned to Walter, her voice laced with sorrow and disappointment. "I don't know who you are anymore, Walter. This...this is unforgivable." (damn bitch allat for a damn turkey 🙄 this was obviously a turkey's faith on thanksgiving anyway)

With heavy hearts, Skylar and Walter watched as the crew packed up their equipment and left the house. The silence that followed was deafening, the truth of the situation hanging in the air like a dark cloud.

Walter felt beads of sweat forming on his forehead as nerves consumed him. Skylar's deafening silence and piercing gaze had him on the verge of panic, feeling as though he might lose control of his bladder at any moment. (blud gonna piss himself ) Walter stammered, "Um, Skylar, I...uh...I think I need to go feed the crocodiles now." Skylar's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Crocodiles, Walter? We don't have crocodiles."

Walter's voice cracked nervously as he replied, "Yes, yes, the neighbor's crocodiles... I promised to help out." Skylar's gaze hardened as she crossed her arms. "You're taking the turkey with you?"

Walter grabbed Jesse, the cooked turkey, and stammered, "Yes, it's, uh, a special treat for them. Gotta go, bye!" And with that, he scurried away, leaving Skylar standing in confusion, trying to piece together the strange encounter.


the shit took me ass sweat and radioheadfan23 brain power but I did it

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the shit took me ass sweat and radioheadfan23 brain power but I did it

requested: not by anyone literally lol it was just a dream I had

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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