nickeh30 x Mick angst with happy ending

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One sunny day they decided to go to the supermarket together leaving their boyfriends at home to have some alone time. At that time Mick was in a relationship with Sypher and Nickeh30 with Ian.

Excitement filled the air as they strolled through the supermarket aisles laughing and chatting about their favorite snacks, recipes and Fortnite. They picked out ingredients for a delicious homemade dinner they planned to cook together that evening.

As they headed back home carrying their grocery bags little did they know that an unexpected turn of events awaited them. When they walked through the front door they were shocked to find Ian and Sypher making out. Nick couldn't hold back his tears as his heart shattered into a million pieces. Mick feeling a mix of anger and disbelief couldn't help but explode in frustration.

"Why would you betray us like this?" Mick yelled his emotions pouring out. "How could you do this to Nick and me?"

Ian and Sypher realising their mistake stood there silently unable to find the right words to explain their actions. Sensing Nick's pain Mick took a deep breath and his anger transformed into compassion.

Mick walked over to Nick wrapping his arms around him tightly. "Don't worry Nicky poo I'm here for you. We'll get through this together." Mick whispered his voice filled with warmth and comfort.

Nick buried his face into Mick's shoulder soaking it with tears as his sobs slowly subsided. Feeling Mick's love and support he began to find solace in his friend's arms. The devastating betrayal started to feel bearable as Mick's presence provided him with a newfound strength.

Meanwhile Ian and Sypher feeling remorseful and aware of the damage they had caused silently made their way towards the exit. They realized the gravity of their actions and knew they had to give Nick and Mick the space they needed. (they didn't give a fuck and just wanted to have sex)

Days turned into weeks and as Nick and Mick spent more time together their bond grew stronger. Their friendship evolved into something deeper something they never imagined. They discovered that the love they had for each other extended beyond friendship😉.

One evening Mick finally found the courage to express his feelings. "Nicky poo you mean the world to me. I don't just want to be your friend anymore. I want to be your everything.. I want to be your deftones girl your sugar boo and Fortnite gamer girlfriend."

Nick with tears of happiness glistening in his eyes looked deeply into Mick's soulful gaze. "Mick I feel the same way. In this whirlwind of emotions I realised that my heart never really belonged to Ian. It belongs to you."

As their words hung in the air a sense of serenity and hope filled their hearts. From that moment on Nick and Mick embraced their love sharing a beautiful journey together.

As for Ian and Sypher they didn't give two shits and actually been together for two years can you believe that? I can't either

In the end what started as a journey of pain and betrayal for Nick and Mick turned into a story of genuine love and resilience. Their hearts once shattered came together forming a connection that would forever carry them through life's ups and downs. And they lived happily ever after knowing that their love could conquer even the deepest

the end 🥰

random shit that radioheadfan23 wroteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz