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I sighed releaved as we finally were ready.  I looked at N's Zoura wondering if this would be the same Zoura that would evolve into his Zoroark.  If he stays for a month I'll give N a pokeball to catch him.  Lotus began to click and I turned towards him, he was floating a few feet above the ground likely due to the levitate ability.
"Don't worry you'll be in your pokeball for most of the walk." Lotus clicked as I returned him to his pokeball.
I turned back to the kids before I spoke.
"This is going to be a very long walk so please don't complain. I'll be setting thirty minute timers and each one we'll be a good chuck closer and I will distribute snacks each thirty minutes.  We can't take breaks as we're going to be on the ten thirty train to Nimbasa.  Now let's go."
The girls rushed out the door, N and I followed.  "Anthea, Concordia.  Please stay in the lobby, we need to check out."  N and I walked to the front desk and I handed the desk clerk the key.  With that we left.
We had been walking for around seven minutes before N and Anthea started complaining.  I released Lotus who tiredly clicked as they floated up.
"Both N and Anthea are tired, I'm gonna pass N to you as he's smaller."  Lotus clicked an affirmative and I scooped N up and put him on Lotus.  I then picked Anthea up.
"Once we reach the thirty minute mark you two will have to walk.  Besides once you two start your journey this will be a small stroll for you two."
N whined about how he would never make Zoura walk this much.  The exact same Zoura who was leading us just fine despite having legs much shorter than even N.
"I'm currently wondering how you and your sisters will manage to trek all around Unova doing whatever your journey will be."  Concordia looked up at me curious.
"What do you mean?  You mean that we can do other things besides taking the gym challenge?"  Concordia asked.  I smiled nodding before answering.
"Correct, I see Pokemon journeys as a way to find out who you are.  To find passions and meet people you would never have met otherwise.  To see the region and develop lifelong bonds with people and people.  I don't remember my own journey and I wish I could, the gym challenge is just the most publicized."
N looked up at me.
"Why is your memory so bad now?  You took a scary nap after hitting the door and the sages were yelling at me."  I must have tensed as the kids and Lotus shyed away from me.  Concordia whisper yelled at N.  Lotus's scars caught my eye.
"That wasn't a nap.  I hit my head, I must have gotten brain damage which is the reason for my amnesia.  My head was recovering enough that I could function while I was in the coma."
Anthea messed with my hair, namely the oversized cowlick I had been warring with for months.  We fell back into silence.  I jumped as my X-transceiver went off.  Wordlessly I pulled an Applesauce that looked like some off brand gogo squeezes, some Pokepuffs, and some granola bars.  Lotus and Zoura happily took the Kalos treats, Anthea the apple sauce, N the chocolate chip granola bar and Concordia a chocolate granola bar.  A silent reward for not complaining in the first thirty minutes.  For myself I pulled out a pecha berry.  I am quite curious about how a berry would taste and Pecha berries seemed like a mix of strawberry and peach so it would probably taste good.  I put my bag back on and right before I could even take a bite something green stole it. 
I sighed as the Pokemon ran away with my pecha berry.  I simply continued on planning to maybe have a snack at the hour marker.  Didn't take any of the kids snacks at least.

Fifteen minutes later - 45 minutes in

I jumped as something barked.  Lotus, the kids and I all turned around.  A large dog was carrying an Axew  by the scruff of its neck with a half eaten pecha berry.  I immediately recognized the dog Pokemon as a Stoutland but I don't think either Axew or Stoutland are found here.  The Stoutland walked closer dropped the pecha berry and barked.  I looked towards N who immediately translated.
"That Axew took your pecha berry and he wants the Axew to apologize."  N immediately explained.  I put Anthea down gently as N got off of Lotus.  Nodding I turned back to the Axew and leaned down.  The Axew stepped forward looking quite bashful.  Concordia immediately began to pet the Stoutland who was trying and failing to act stoic.  I slowly began to pet the Axew's head.  They immediately melted into the petting when I spoke.
"Stealing isn't okay.  Luckily I am not mad or didn't chase you for the berry.  Now then, my kids and I have to go."
I stood up and turned to leave.  I recalled Lotus to their pokeball.  Concordia pet the Stoutland for a few minutes and then we left.

1 hour fifteen minutes later - 0 minutes left

N rushed over to the first buildings of Opulucid.  I quickly rushed afterwards.  I quickly looked the place over and saw no grunts.  Hopefully they think I'm dead.  I checked the time.  10:18 AM.  Looks like we're a bit late but I planned for this.
"Come on, we have twenty two minutes to reach Lindwyrm station.  Then we'll be straight to Nimbasa."  I quickly scooped up Concordia and settled her on my shoulders in a piggy back ride.  I picked up Anthea and N like potato sacks.  Slowly I stood up fully mildly struggling under the weight and thanking those three months of physical therapy. 
Lotus popped free and grabbed my X-transceiver.  He quickly activated the GPS and lead the way through the city that seemingly couldn't decide what century it was from.  Futuristic skyscrapers next to buildings that looked to be a century or two old.  Fascinating.  I looked around loving the Victorian style buildings, the cream colored ones reminded me of the old vetenary practice.  Oh how I miss that place, could have done without the people.  Or the piss demon Miss. Lewis had named Cupcake.  That thing was not a Cupcake.  I shook it off noticing that we were attracting looks.  Eh it's probably the fact that I am carrying three kids and look exhausted.  I yawned and we continued on. 
We quickly reached the station and I saw a mini bookstore and we had some time.  I was surprised to find books on Chandelure, Haxorus, Joltik and Eelektross biology.  It all seemed fascinating.  So I brought the books on Joltik and Eelektross biology silently making note to return and buy the other two.  I bought the kids their own books to entertain themselves as this would be a five hour trip and the only one today.  N a story book about a pikachu and the Kanto starters, Concordia an eye spy book and Anthea a book about Galarian rapidash, looked like it was the stand in for Unicorns here.  If we ever visit poke Europe I'm going to have to catch one for her. We finally got on the train.

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