A not-hospital room

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I initially spell Hydreigon wrong but I fix it next chapter.
??? POV
I internally blinked as I heard some noises. I couldn't actually move but I could hear, feel and smell but not very well. Could probably taste to but I wasn't eating. I could feel that I was on a bed and my head was wrapped up while I was hooked up to a heart monitor at least. A pounding headache was rather painful as expected and gradually my hearing at least sharpened. I could hear a child crying and yelling. I slowly started to move and there was an instant reaction as the yelling changed and the crying quited down, I heard running on hardwood floors.
"Lord Ghetsis! Your awake!
"You're alive!"
Lord Ghetsis? Ghetsis! Oh my gosh. I was hit by a car. I died. AND I WAS REBORN AS FUCKING GHETSIS! I blinked as I heard a smaller pair of feet walked over. I heard someone get on the bed and wrap their arms around my chest. I couldn't feel them on my left side however. They were so small! Undoubtedly a child. The child nuzzled into my chest before he spoke.
"Please don't be mad daddy!"
I hugged them back internally sobbing at that adorable voice. I can't believe how Adorable baby N sounds.  I hugged him close internally cringing as N flinched.  Time to play the amnesia card.  I tried to open my mouth but my head was too tightly bandaged.
Someone quickly unbandaged my face, well the lower half.  I breathed for a bit before speaking.
"Can you tell me who you are little one?  I feel as if my memory isn't what it should be."
The rest of my bandages were removed.  I closed my eyes flinching at the bright light before I adjusted.  I looked down at N who was just as adorable as I imagined with a floof of green hair and two large blue eyes.  I looked up and quickly spotted a mirror.
Sure enough a singular red eye looked back at me framed with messy mint green hair.  I honestly looked like scheiße.  Pasty, messy and like I hadn't showered in a bit.  There was a large hunk of gaze sticking to my face, going from between my eyes to my hairline.  I also saw the six other sages looking at me concerned.  I looked to them before one of them walked up.  I could never tell the seven sages apart aside from Ghetsis when playing any of the games and even now I couldn't.  I could feel that N was on the verge of tears so I began to rub his back in a circular motion.  He calmed down near instantly, just like Constance did whenever she had a nightmare.  I need to get N and his sisters out of here as soon as possible.  I smiled as N fell asleep before turning back to the sages.
"Who are you people?"
They blinked before Zenzolin I'm guessing from the purple robe stepped up.  In person he looked like a sleaze ball. 
"Lord Ghetsis.  We along with you are the Seven sages of team plasma.  You are the leader, who will be the leader of our goal."
I looked down at N smiling as I ruffled his hair.
"And this little one?"
N beamed up at me before he spoke.
"I am Natural Harmonia Gropius!"
Time to see if Anthea and Concordia are here.
"Well little Natural, when I first woke up you called me dad correct?" N nodded looking confused. "Well little Mint leaf, do you have any siblings. I would hate to not know if so."
N nodded.
"Yup! I have two sisters. Anthea and Concordia."
Zenzolin cleared his throat. I turned towards him still holding N close. Most of the sages looked very confused and concerned.  Zenzolin walked closer glaring at N.  I shielded him before he spoke.
"Lord Ghetsis... how long do you believe it may take for you to return to lead team plasma?"
I blinked looking at my reflection. I blinked looking at the burn that covered my left eye and up part of my neck. It was clearly old and healed wrong. I looked down at N. I am not the original Ghetsis. I am the soul of Ros Edelweiss Coxbough, not Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius. I don't have to follow his story. I ain't dying again or being a bad father.
"I don't have enough information. I may be out for a very long time. Or I may return as soon as I'm physically able." I am leaving as soon as I can with these kids! Zenzolin nodded understanding.
"You fell down the stairs because of the freak and have been in a coma for three months.  We thought you would never wake up my lord."
I was internally seething as Zenzolin called the little angel in my arms a freak.  I nodded before I spoke.
"Well can you please leave me and N alone.  I am rather tired and based upon the location of the still bandaged part brain damaged.  So I will need my rest.  You may find me exploring later, I do need to relearn the layout."  Hydrigon can fly, and he should be pretty big so hopefully we can escape on him.
I laid down as the lights turned off. 
I hugged N close silently praying to whatever god was out there that this was some sort of joke and I would open my eyes in the hospital with my girls by my side.  A cozy home to return to where I could lay down and watch Ruby shiny hunt for some Pokemon before Constance would try and kick her off.

I opened my eyes and was greeted with a red ceiling of a bed canopy.  It was substantially darker than before.  I looked down and saw a fluff of green hair lying on my chest.  Vogëln.  I exhaled excepting fate as I very slowly sat up N blearily blinked awake.  I smiled as N hugged me close. 
"Morning daddy!"  "Morning mint leaf.  If I can properly get up could you possibly show me around.  I'm afraid that my amnesia has affected my ability to navigate this place."  N happily nodded and got off the bed.  Slowly and achingly I followed feeling rather unsteady in my new mildly atrophied body.  Didn't help that I was noticeably taller.  I put my hand against the wall and slowly followed the over excited five year old.  He had apparently come here only six months ago.  At least the original Ghetsis didn't have too much time to traumatize him; however Concordia and Anthea had been here four and three years respectively.  So I had to escape with a five year old, an eight year old and a seven year old.  Hopefully their skills with Pokémon will help me get Hydrigon to fly us out of here.  However it will take a lot of planning and recovery.

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