Chapter 6 || Kim's

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“What is Kim? What are you talking about?” Y/n’s heart thudded loudly as her uneasiness began to turn into a full-blown panic. Her aunt ignored her questions as she was still turned towards the crowd, addressing them.

“I’m ending my penance today to step out of the house for the first time in thirty years. And my first place to visit will be…the Kim temple.”

There were loud murmurs. Y/n saw her cousin, Yeri, among the crowd. Yeri was watching her with another mysteriously blank look.

Her aunt turned away from the crowd to finally look at Y/n. “Come.”

Y/n followed behind her aunt, not because of the regal order, but to know what was happening, and why she was being involved in something that had to do with so many people.

Her aunt walked towards the door, and stopped short of the doorstep, with one foot raised above the floor. Then taking a deep breath, she stepped outside the room.

Y/n walked behind her, until they stood in front of the wheelchair where her grandfather was watching his daughter with tears in his eyes.
Mimo bent down in respect. “I have broken my penance, Dad. I will now restore our family line. There will soon be a Kim heir in the Kang household.”

She turned towards Y/n. “And your granddaughter will make it happen.”

Y/n had heard enough. “Tell me what is happening. Who are all those people? And what is Kim?”

“Not what? Who?” Her aunt replied and walked over to one of the ornate sofas and sat down with her arms raised on top of the high armrests. She was watching Y/n with immense satisfaction.

“The Kims have been—and are still—the most powerful, influential, and prosperous families in this province. “

“Okay. But what have I got to do with them or any of it?” Y/n asked, getting impatient due to her gut feeling that was ringing several warning bells inside her.

Her aunt’s smile grew. “Everything, my love. The current Kim heir, Kim Tae-hyung will make you his wife in two days.”

“What?” Y/n was sure it was some sort of a local joke she didn’t understand or get.

“You heard me. The fearless and ferocious Kim Tae-hyung will soon be your husband. Your life is honored that he agreed to have you bear his heir and continue the Kim bloodlines.”

“What are you even talking about?” Y/n frowned as anxiety began to take over.

“This land has been cursed with a drought for the past thirty years. People are dying every day, and the only way to break the curse—is if a woman from Kang or Lee families bore an heir to the Kims.”

It had to be a nightmare. Who talks about curses in this day and age?

Y/n took a deep breath to calm her nerves and also her need to burst out with a rude response. “I appreciate that you think I can somehow help with the drought, but I’m only here because you said grandfather is sick. Unfortunately, I might have to cut short my trip—”

Her aunt laughed. “How polite you are, my love. I was expecting fireworks and explosion. It’s also very sweet of you to think we are going to offer you with a choice.”

Y/n felt her body stiffen as she listened to the underlying veiled threat. “I don’t appreciate being threatened. I’m leaving right now. You don’t have to drop me off anywhere. I’ll call a taxi.”

She had taken a few steps before she stopped short due to her aunt's next words.

“If you are going up to look for your phone, you won’t find it. You won’t have access to the rest of the world unless I allow you to.”

Y/n’s legs trembled at the threat, but she stood tall and swung back to face her aunt. “I’m twenty-six-years-old. You cannot stop me if I want to leave. No one can.”

Her aunt smiled. “Ah. She does have some backbone.” She turned to look at Yeri who had joined them and was quietly listening. “See, I told you, Yeri. You said you wanted to be the queen because your cousin doesn’t have the guts or backbone to rule next to Kim Tae-hyung. Look at her now. She will definitely be able to tame the ferocious beast.” There was a proud look on Mimo's face.

Yeri didn’t respond.

Y/n shook her head. “I don’t care what you all think of me. This was a mistake and I’m leaving right now.” She began walking towards the

“So-ra is pretty sweet. Pity her life is going to be cut short at the age of twenty.”

Y/n froze.

“Just because I haven’t stepped out of my room in thirty years, it doesn’t mean I’m stupid or powerless.” Her aunt spoke in a quiet tone that raised goosebumps on her skin. “If you care about the safety of your mother, her husband, and your half sister, you will do as I say.”

Y/n turned to look at her aunt. “You’re lying. You can’t harm them. I’ll warn them. They are safe—”

“Safe for now. But for how long…it all depends on you.”

Y/n shook off the threats and turned to leave. This time she headed towards the main door. She had to get out of this house first. She’d come back for her stuff later or send someone to get it from there.

“She doesn’t believe us, Yeri. Tell her what little So-ra is doing right now.” Her aunt's tone was playful.

“So-ra is with her friends at a party held on her university campus.”

“And Mr. and Mrs. Han?”

“Their cruise ship is docked in Spain,” Yeri answered in a robotic voice, but it was enough to make Y/n freeze on the spot.

“Ah, she believes us now, Yeri. Maybe if she doesn’t, we should probably bring So-ra here to keep her company.”

Y/n swung towards them. “If you harm my little sister in any way, I will—”

Before she could complete her threat, her aunt cut her off. “Keep quiet! This is the first and last time you will take that tone with me. I didn’t spend thirty years of my life in solitude for nothing.”

Y/n stood still, various thoughts and emotions running inside her head trying to come up with a logical explanation.

“What if I don’t want anything to do with this?” Y/n asked in a calm tone.

“Oh, you will. And willingly too.”

“I will tell that man…Kim Tae-hyung that I’m being forced to do this. He’ll refuse to marry me then—” She broke off to her aunt’s loud laugh.

Her aunt threw back her head while laughing, and then she shook her head in amusement. “My dear niece. Kim Tae-hyung is a beast. He can kill a person with his bare hands, without batting an eyelid. He will do anything for the people living in this province. And the people want… you.”

Fear locked Y/n’s throat at her aunt's words and the description of the man.

“Three more hours…and you’ll meet your future husband at the Kim temple.”

[Word Count : 1229]

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