Chapter 3 - lost dream

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a boy with big dreams,
But his heart hurt, his spirit misunderstood.
Despite his pain, he kept on trying,
To reach his dreams, without sighing.

He worked hard, day and night,
Fighting struggles with all his might.
His dream was his hope, his guiding star,
In the darkness, it shone far.

As time passed, his heart grew heavy,
From love lost, it felt unsteady.
But still, he pushed through, never stopping,
Though doubts inside him were popping.

No matter how much he fought,
Doubts and fears still took their spot.
One day, under all the strain,
He felt tired, almost drained.

Lost in the maze of his broken dreams,
He let go, heard silent screams.
Sometimes, even the strongest break,
Under the weight of their heartache.

The night he lost his dream he wrote this

suffering in silence
there is no end 
to this violence
this need I feel
to unleash
the real me
my thoughts
choking me
my demons
provoking me
it hurts to take
my next breath
my heart bleeds
yet leaves no stain
this face is a mask
hiding all the pain

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