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The next day_

Beomgyu pov

I wake up hearing my alarm ringing. I lazily offed the alarm and started to sleep again. When i try to sleep i remembered i forget something but is not coming to my mind.

I unlocked my phone and looked the time it's showing 8:30. I looked at my phone for a few minutes what did i forget actually?

Then remembering i widened my eyes. 'oh shit i forget today is my first day' i quickly get up from my bed and rushed to bathroom.

Time skip_

I drived my car towards to kang corps. Looking at my hand watch sometimes.
It's only took me a few minutes to reach there because I drived the car fast, if soobin find out about this he will kill me for sure.

Anyway now i have a big thing to do now. I quickly entered to the company and reached at the reception.

I told the receptionist about me.

"Okay,mr.beomgyu, so you are the secretary for our CEO right? Our CEO will reach here in few minutes"

"Okay,so what should i do now?"

"You can stand here with us to welcome our CEO"

I nodded and stand in a line that definitely interns of the company waiting for our new CEO.

Few minutes later a car stopped infront of our company. And all of us bowed. I can only see the legs of my boss, he walk towards to the elevator i heard the elevator closing.

And everyone stand back, i also up head. "Ughh my head is hurting how much time did i just bowed like that'

"Mr.beomgyu, you are mr.kang's secretary right? Come with me to meet CEO" suddenly a lady came to me and said. If i am  right that girl is come here after mr.kang.

"Oh yes, I am choi beomgyu"
That lady smiled and gestured to follow her. I smiled back and followed behind her.

Few minutes later we reached at mr.kang's office aka my soon to be boss.

She opened knocked on the door. And we heard a voice saying 'come in' if i am not wrong that voice is so familiar to me.

We entered to the office room to see mr.kang is looking at the back. Suddenly he turned around that time i realised why did i felt the voice familiar. His name escaped from my mouth 'taehyun'.

The lady beside me look at me and again looked at taehyun.

"Boss your secretary is here" she introduced me to him.

"Uh, okay, you can go now" taehyun said to the lady and she left.

After she left the office room become silent. Me and him looking at eachother still shocked.

If i am right he also doesn't expected me.

"Hmm" he cleared his throat.
That made me come back to senses.

"Huh mr.kang, i am your secretary beomgyu" i don't know what to say i just said what first came to my mind.

He stand up from his chair and walk towards me and stopped infront of me.

"So this is your um surprise" i asked.
He scrached his nape awkwardly.
"Um actually i don't know you are going to be my secretary either".

"Uh,so um how did you come to my friend's marriage?"

"Uh your friend's marriage?"

"Yeah, soobin , he is my best friend"

Arranged marriage with the CEO / Yeonbin ffOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora