10. Katara's boyfriend is a jerk

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    "Where's Momo?" Aang asked, noticing that the lemur was missing. I shrug, not knowing where Momo was. We suddenly heard frantic screeching in the distance. 

    "I think that's Momo." I say. Aang nods and goes to the direction of the screeching, us following behind him. We see Momo at the top in some trpa along with two hog-monkeys. Aang jumps on the trees and lowers the rope so that we could reach Momo. Katara and Sokka open the trap and Momo hurries onto my shoulder, eating an apple. 

    The hog-monkeys start howling in a way like saying 'Can you get us down, too?'. Aang, being the good person he is, says, "All right. You, too." 

    He goes up to lower their ropes too but Sokka intervenes, "This is going to take forever." He skillfully throws his boomerang and it cuts both the ropes, letting the two hog-monkeys free. 

    He goes to one of the traps and analyzed it, "These are Fire Nation traps. You can tell from the metalwork. We'd better pack up camp and get moving."

    So we did exactly that. We packed up our camp and loaded it up onto Appa. When I was about to float onto Appa's saddle, Sokka stopped me, "No flying this time."

    I raise my eyebrow, "What? Why? We can't get to the North Pole on foot."

    "Just for this time. Think about it. Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa. He's just too noticeable."

    Katara gasped, "What? Appa's not to noticeable."

    "He's a gigantic, fluffy monster with an arrow on his head. It's kinda hard to miss him." 

    This time, I was the the one to gasp, "How dare you? Appa's not a monster." I glared at Sokka and he stopped speaking for the moment. Appa groaned and Aang patted his head, "Sokka's just jealous cause he doesn't have an arrow."

    Sokka, surprisingly, doesn't stop talking, "I know you all want to fly but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk." 

    "Who made you the boss?" Katara asks. 

    "I'm not the boss, I'm the leader."

    "You're the leader? But your voice still cracks."

    "I'm the oldest and I'm a warrior." Sokka's voice cracked, "So I'm the leader." 

    Katara snorted, "If anyone's the leader. It's Aang. I mean, he is the Avatar."

    "Are you kidding? He's just a goofy kid." Sokka retorts. 

    Aang was hanging upside down on Appa's horns, "He's right."

    Katara still didn't back down, "Why do boys always think someone has to be a leader? I bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you kissed a girl." 

    "I've kissed a girl. You just... haven't met her."

    "Who Gran-Gran? I've met Gran-Gran."

    "No, besides Gran-Gran. Look my instincts tell me it we would have a better chance of slipping through on foot, and a leader has to trust his instincts."

    I sighed, thinking it was finally stop the fight before Katara said something else, "Okay, how about we listen to Sokka, just this once?" 

    "Fine. I guess we'll try it your way oh-wise leader." 

    Aang grins, "Who know? Walking might be fun."

🌊 🌎 🔥 💨

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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