Chapter 37: Sext & Violence

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'Poor, poor! Your Head 'Needs Improvement!'' The Ofsted inspector had her legs wrapped around his face. 'Good! Good! Oh, outstanding!' she screamed, and as she stepped off, Natalia screamed, to see him laying unconscious with his face all bruised, as she tried to dab it away with concealer and poke a fag in his mouth whilst kissing him back to life. Neill, Neill! I wouldn't crush you, she cried, I weigh a bag of sugar! I adore you! I love you! She climbed on top of him and his twitching crotch flooded her vulva with the most beautiful feeling, a gorgeous deep throbbing. Oh, was this sex? Oh it wasn't bad! Bonus, she would no longer be a virgin!

Her eyes fluttered open to her bedroom ceiling. A wet dream - thought only boys had those - she put her hand down to finish the orgasm, surprised to find her clit was asleep; a probing finger chased it, but it had gone. Commiseration clit then, as she mentally dragged back each detail of her dream, and within ten minutes was smiling, and then frowning as she stood in the bathroom brushing her teeth, thinking of that deep throb, that mysterious visitor she'd never felt before.

From throb to knob. Darren was down in the kitchen in just his fluorescent underpants.

'Aye up Nat,' he chirruped by the kettle.

'God where's your clothes,' she blinked away.

'I'll be wearing me besties in a minute,' he chortled. 'Your mam's sending me down the Jobcentre. I said she should come with me!'

'Hmph. Good luck.'

School was so calm it felt as though there were barely any pupils in it. In Yoga that morning as Natalia flexed into a Downward Dog, she wondered what it would be like to have a face licking down there, as did even the audacious sixty-odd year old Mrs Salisbury, avenging her daughter by whipping off her knickers with Neillian confidence and sitting on Neill's face whether he liked it or not. 'Bottoms to the heavens!' cried Miss Barnes, another of Neill's orgasmers. That's if he got as far into her tight buttocks to find her throb.

Coming out of the toilets on the way to the changing rooms, Natalia met with Ryan dishevelled from the football pitch.

'Whew,' his eyes fell to her tight pants. 'You look hot.'

'Literally?' she laughed, feign-sniffing her armpit in modesty.

'And perky,' he grinned, as his gaze climbed her body.

'Well you seem very perky since knocking ten bells out of Adam.'

'Guess what,' he stepped closer, smelling of mud. 'Neill's not even suspending me.'

'He said that today?'

'Nah he told me yesterday. He's not in today, he's off sick for the rest of the week, Mr Winterbrook just said.'


Neill, sick? Sick from the Ofsted woman's old drain cunt? What if he dies from foof poisoning! She'll sue Ofsted!

'I keep laughing thinking of Adam conked out,' Ryan smirked. 'You're so clever getting him out!'

'I was lucky,' she smiled. 'I can't believe we got away with it either.'

'Brains and beauty. I think that's why Neill always calls you up like his girlfriend!'

'Don't be daft. He just grabbed the first person he saw. He was like a headless chicken, thanks to you!' she scoffed, whacking his arm. 'So, are you free Saturday? I've got fags,' she added with a wink.

'Depends if Auntie Jackie's looking after mum.'

She pursed her lips. 'Ok. See you round.'

Natalia felt hollow as she got changed. Two school days of Neilllessness before a Neillless weekend? She needed to wipe through her malaise with the fragrant dishcloth of Ryan or she'll straddle his mum's face and polish her off herself!

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