Me To You

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It's almost a month.
Utahime now had learnt some of them.

Utahime called Rumi to prepare for her first ritual .

Gojo Was also there Geto was called by him.
It has a timing. The ritual can only be performed at midnight. In a crescent moon.

Rumi , shoko Gojo and Geto were all there to help her meanwhile.

Riko was lying on the floor. Utahime danced wearing a white rob. She sings a weird but pleasant song.
The ritual was lastly done by her some mantras,which no one was allowed to listen to.

After a while her ritual come to an end.

She had used her all good energy on that, it made her not only weak but she was not able to walk.

She came out of the room trembling. Gojo saw her struggle and picked her in his arms.

"Utahime are you okay " was the first words Gojo asked.

Utahime slightly nods.

The next day. Gojo received a phone call from Rumi that Riko san is showing some positive response.

Hearing that Gojo went Straight into Utahime's room .
Utahime just came out of the bath, Gojo saw her in her bathing robe.

Utahime Screamed!!!

What are you doing here without knocking.
Gojo was embarrassed but anyway he proceeded to say.

"Umm !! Rumi had called me ,she said the ritual is showing a positive response"

Utahime heard the news. Her eyes filled with glee.

Utahime came out of her room wearing her clothes.

"Is that true,oh my lord I'm so happy,that means there is a sign "Utahime said.

Now we have to perform 3 or 4 times and she'll be walking and running."
gojo smiles while looking at her.

Suddenly the bell rang of there house.

Gojo went to check who was it. It was his grandmother.

Gojo:- Why she's here all unannounced.

Utahime:- who's there.

Gojo:- oh nothing special just my grandmother.

Utahime' suddenly caught in a hurry:-

huh!!!; your grandmother! Stupid why you're saying that so casually.
I need to clean the hall area, don't open it till I'm cleaning. And also don't tell her we're living in different rooms.

Gojo :- anyway* opened the door.

Grandmother entered there home.Gojo leave the home.

Grandmother:- what a disrespectful brat.

Utahime:- oh granny please sit. What brings you here today?

Granny:- oh don't tell me , it's been a month but you still didn't got any good news!! So I came here to check my self.

Utahime flustered

Utahime in mind thinking, when the relationship is not permanent how can we plan a child.

But what could she say to the granny.

Utahime:- grandmother we are actually trying,, right we are trying sincerely the result take time isn't it.

Granny:- hmmm ! Don't need to buttering me . I've signed 10 billon dollars to your family,just like the it's you guys turn.

Utahime tried to change the topic. "Why don't you take some tea I'll make it."

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