They Met

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Gojo Left the house and went straight to meet Geto.

Geto:- They said what!!

Gojo:- The older people are getting cranky.
Geto:- Satoru, do you want to get married?
Gojo:- Huhh!! Never . More than that I need to focus on Riko.

Geto:- Satoru I'm here for Riko this is not something we both have to engage.

Gojo:- suguru it's not only your responsibility but mine as well.

Transport to another scenario:-

Scene cut to Utahime:- Utahime now lives in Singapore,she manages the affairs for curse society there in Singapore.
She has an assistant here,  Miko Shiwashi. She's a practicing Lawyer.

Miko:- So you're going Kyoto?Utahime:- yes! Miko:- Hmm I will miss you truly

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Miko:- So you're going Kyoto?
Utahime:- yes!
Miko:- Hmm I will miss you truly.

Utahime:- Here I spent 6 years,it was so much fun .

Miko:- So what are you going to do there?

Utahime:- I have things to do,maybe I'll be teaching at school.

Miko:- The school where they teach using curse power.
Utahime:- Yeah!

Miko:- But that school is here also, you should join here,so that I can meet you daily.

Utahime:- I have responsibilities, my work there is different and I need to go back.

Miko:- Hmm I will come visit you someday.
Utahime:- Sure,come Kyoto.

The day finally arrived she :-

Bye Senpai... Said Miko, Shiwashi her eyes were full of tears but she was happy as well.

Utahime was sitting on the plane, she also started scoffing.
"Uuhhh!! Why are goodbyes so sad "she thought.

She landed in Tokyo:-

Her family had sent a driver,but a familiar person was also there.
It was Shoko and Rumi was also there.

Rumi was much more interested in her than Shoko.

Rumi:- Hi! Ma'am nice to meet you I'm Rumi Her assistant.
She put forward her hands for handshake

Utahime shook hands with her.

"I know about you",said Utahime.

Utahime :- Shoko it's great pleasure to see you again.

Shoko:- Senpai, how was the flight?

Utahime:- Good I would say, I landed safely.

Shoko:- Senpai let's go eat something with us, it's been a while since we talk.

Utahime:- sure,shoko but not today I need to meet my parents soon, they were inviting me for a banquet.

Shoko:- oh that grand banquet,my family was also asking me to go there.

Utahime:- you're coming?
Shoko:- Nnee never I'm not going anywhere like that.

Rumi:- ma'am don't like to visit these kind of places.

Utahime:- Ha ha ha excepted much.

Utahime visited her parents house. She promised shoko and Rumi that this weekend they will be meeting.

Utahime The next day visited them again.

Rumi:- Ma'am there's something I want to ask you?

Shoko interrupted Rumi
Shoko:- Rumi we have not met since 6 years shouldn't we talk first before asking anything.
"Senpai 1 min "said Utahime.

She dragged Rumi on the corner.

Shoko :- Rumi ! What were you doing there? She don't even know that Riko was attacked that day, she has no idea .

Rumi:- Ma'am I'm sorry but I was so curious to know,that her blood might be the rarest among the curse users.

Shoko:- I do not allow you to say anything to her until I say so.

Rumi was disappointed but Agreed anyway.

They visited pizza shop,eat pizza, took selfie 's . They visited some Malls and after a heavy shopping day,they finally decided to go home when sun was set.

Utahime's home was close she decides to walk to her home.

On the way she saw a Little kitten,and suddenly it Started raining. 'OMG they didn't telecast raining today on forecast." Said Utahime.

Utahime:- oh no the little kitten is getting wet.
She run towards a shrine which was only shelter there.

Utahime entered in the shrine. Utahime:- omo you're so wet,wait let me dry you up.

At the same time on the other side of Shrine Gojo was there.

Gojo was talking to someone on the phone, suddenly he heard a familiar voice.
Gojo on phone:- hold on for a while.

He searched the area, then he saw Utahime playing with a kitten.

He never thought a sight of someone could make him feel this calm. He saw her with admiration . She was so busy playing with the kitten she didn't noticed him.

Gojo didn't had the courage to even say hi to her. He decided to move on without saying anything.

Then, Utahime saw him.she waa Also skeptical ,if she should say hi or not.

But she courage up
. she Screamed his name....Gojo!!!

Gojo couldn't ignore her and he turned towards her.

Gojo:- Oh Utahime? What are you doing here.* He decided to be normal as ever*

Utahime:- well I returned from Singapore, forever.

Gojo:- Oh that's a great news, when you left,we all thought you'll never come again.

Utahime:- How are you?

Gojo:- I'm good,

The silance was so strong that made them more awkward.

Utahime:- Riko was sent to Tengen back then. It's sad that I was not even able to say goodbye to her.

Gojo took a pause.

Gojo:- So you're saying you didn't know anything. (He said angrily) All these years

Utahime:- what...,are you talking about?

Gojo couldn't believe that No one told Utahime about the incident.

Gojo couldn't control his anger...
Gojo:- So you're telling me that we were just suffering here and your life was just as normal.

Utahime:- why you're being like this,*she got scared*

Gojo:- I can't believe didn't knew that, the day you leave early without us.. we were attacked by enemy. He attacked Riko ,but she didn't die. suffering from 6 years of pain.
She's in a vegetative state since 6 years. And you're asking me how is she? Why don't you go there and see yourself.

Utahime was in plain shock, she didn't heard anything off that.

At the time rain stopped and Utahime ran from there . She was so ashamed of herself,she didn't even had the courage to talk back to Gojo.

Gojo realise that he did it again. Again made her cry.

Gojo lifts up the kitten ," why do I always have to be the reason for her tears?.

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