Chapter 1 (1.10(c) Venretin? Not Venretin)

Start from the beginning

Gradually, the wall returned to its original thickness.

Deep in his observations, Wallace must have lost track of time, only to be brought back by a tap on his shoulder. It was Hoshiko, exhibiting impatience and scepticism in his expression. Unperturbed by the tap, Wallace persisted, on the verge of a significant discovery.

With the formation of the new wall, the rod-like substance detached and faded away. The same cell, now under tension from the Death Slater organism, ruptured almost instantly as there was no longer any substance to salvage it. The cell's contents spilled into the surroundings, vanishing within moments.

As Wallace looked up, he stared at the wall ahead, attempting to comprehend the significance of what he had witnessed. The entire sequence replayed in his mind, almost as if the wall itself was revealing the process before him.

"What did you see?" Hoshiko's curiosity battled with his annoyance at being ignored.

"I believe what you saw may only be a part of it," Wallace responded, choosing his words carefully to avoid ruffling Hoshiko's feathers. He could sense the sourness in Hoshiko's expression, a clear sign of his displeasure.

Sighing, Wallace stood up and turned to face them, ready to explain his observations from the last ten minutes. He stressed that the cell hadn't died since the wall remained intact, highlighting the containment of the cell's contents. As he elaborated, Caren nodded in understanding.

Initially doubtful, Hoshiko now considered Wallace's description. He maintained a composed expression, hiding any hint of inward astonishment he might have felt at Wallace's astute observation.

Trento wore a sly smile. "I apologize for underestimating you. Seems like you're not just skilled in surgery but have the potential for greatness in both the Vitalia and Aetherblade Departments," he remarked, gesturing quickly between the two sides.

Wallace grinned boyishly at Caren. "Looks like we've got more than one observant person here."

Caren simply shrugged in response.

Another thought struck Wallace. He had presumed the rod-like substances to be a reaction triggered by Venretin, but what exactly were they?

Caren quickly picked up on his line of thought. "What are those rod-like substances? They appear to direct the cell's energy generator to form a new wall. It's crucial to understand their therapeutic profile. Are they Venretin or something generated by the body?"

Voss turned to Hoshiko, seeking insight. "Do you have any idea what those things were?"

Hoshiko was almost irked by the question. His silence earlier had indicated he had no clue about those substances. Voss's inquiry reinforced his cluelessness.

Rubbing his jaw, Wallace appeared to be contemplating the next step. He seemed to have a thought but hesitated to voice it. His eyes flitted between the brain tissues on the table and the cupboard. He exchanged a knowing glance with Caren, sensing she might comprehend what he was thinking.

"I think we have only one way to find out," Wallace finally voiced his realization, seeing no other viable option.

The hesitation in Caren's eyes affirmed that she understood his idea. Avoiding eye contact with her, Wallace turned to address the group with a neutral expression. "The rod-like substance appears to be crucial in treating these patients. Without enough of it, the cell walls continue to break down. If this substance is something the body can produce, there might still be hope for the remaining two werewolves."

He made a hand gesture to emphasize the urgency of the situation concerning the remaining patients, drawing their attention.

They all watched him expectantly, except Caren, who seemed lost in thought. Her distant gaze indicated she was pondering something.

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