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The Teller house smelled of freshly cooked food, Chicken Alfredo to be exact, as Jax walked through the door

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The Teller house smelled of freshly cooked food, Chicken Alfredo to be exact, as Jax walked through the door. It was Caitlin's favorite food, now also his, and even Abel was starting to like itᅳ although Abel, which Jax was still amazed about months later, actually ate everything that was offered to him.

Kicking off his white Nikes, Jax followed the wonderful smell, his stomach growling already, and came to a stop next to Caitlin. Her slim figure stood behind the stove while she was busy sprinkling the parmesan cheese over the almost finished dish, humming along to a song.

"Hi handsome", she chirped with the sweetest smile, her Irish accent coming through slightly as she didn't even give him a chance to greet her back. "Abel is stayin' at Gemma's for t' night and I thought we could just have a nice evening at home. Is tha' okay?"

"Yeah, sure", Jax replied with a nod, his brows slightly furrowed as he pushed his blonde hair back, studying his girlfriend with a wry smile. "You got a plan or something?"

"Not really a plan..", Caitlin trailed as she looked up at him through her innocent doe-eyes, causing his smile to turn into a grin. "But I do have a surprise for you and I really hope you're gonna like it."

"A surprise, huh?", he asked, grabbing her hips to turn her towards him after she had put the package of parmesan aside, planting the gentlest kiss that was still full of passion on her lips. Staying close to her full lips, he brought a hand to her cheek and pushed a few strands of her ginger hair behind her ear. "I'm sure I can't help but like any surprise from you, darlin'."

"Well, I hope so", the redhead chuckled softly. With a content hum, she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him even closer. "How was your day, baby?"

Jax' hands ran up and down her back slowly, one side of his body leaning against the tall kitchen cabinet. "Pretty good, quietᅳ still had a lot to do. What about your day?"

He deliberately didn't say anything about the visit he gave Tara. Maybe he should, especially since he had promised her to always be honestᅳ that had been one of her conditions from the start. But how would she react if she heard how his conversation with Tara actually went? He wasn't ready for dark clouds to hover over his relationship just yet. 

"My day was good, quiet too", she said, her hands resting on his chest with her fingertips hidden by his kutte. "I don't have to go back to work until Monday, which means we have a long weekend."

"Yeah?" Jax' brow shot up, his signature grin back on his lips. "How about a little trip? Just you and meᅳ you on the back of my bike, maybe a quick trip to Los Angeles?"

Leaving Charming for a few days might not be a bad idea, this way Tara couldn't snitch to Caitlin and tell her about his little visitᅳ something he was sure his ex would do. Why else should Tara choose his new Old Lady as a friend? None of this made any sense to himᅳ there were plenty of other women Tara could be friends with.

𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | sons of anarchy. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora