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"Sage, tell me what's really going on. You're mom is basically dying to have you back in her arms and you keep ignoring her. I can't really help you, if you don't tell me how" Blake said, swaying me in her arms.

I sighed, we could all hear my mom sobbing outside of the door and it took everything in me to not open that door back up. I was too invested with all of the problems going on with the rumors getting spread about me. I forced James to show me what everyone was saying online and the posts being made. It got so bad that the Swifties even found out, there were many on my side, but again there were some that were speculating everything.

"Blake, did you know me before I lived with my mom?" I asked, hoping for a true answer.

I saw a post where someone was comparing childhood photos of my mom, dad, and me. I looked exactly like my mom, which made them all start thinking that Joe wasn't my dad. I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't of left me with her when I was a baby if I wasn't his. 

Blake slowly nodded her head, "I did, I did know about you. There were very few people that knew about you, your mom was so scared that you would get exposed. That's why when we first saw you, I didn't want to frighten you by pretending that I already knew you. She would show us photos that your dad sent her, but she was always too scared to reply back to him. Your mom knew she was in the wrong, she felt like she didn't deserve to be your mom after what she did, but you have to realize that she was such in a bad place".

I smiled, thinking how my mom still continued to talk about me, but still kept me her little secret to the world. Thinking back to when it was just Dad and I, my life has completely changed. 

Blake said that my dad had been texting her, asking how I was. I was surprised that she wasn't replying to him, but would show me his texts. I could tell that Blake was also upset with my parents. 

"You two okay?" Blake asked, standing by the door. 

James and I nodded our heads after she had just tucked us both in. Blake shut the door and we stared at the ceiling. 

"You know, I knew Auntie Taylor was always famous, but when I found out she was actually a mom, I found it so funny. I used to wonder how could she be a mom, she's so silly. When I met you, I realized how you two are almost the exact same. Ivy, I mean she's kind of just there, maybe she's more like your dad I guess" James laughed.

I smiled, thinking about Ivy. Sure, I wasn't happy at first when mom first told me she was pregnant with her, but I guess it was the timing. I used to think my parents were so immature and could barely handle me, but now I love Ivy to death and I know she would choose me over our parents any day. 

"You'll get through this, parents and their kids will always have arguments. You're mom is overprotective and we all know that, we can't do much about it. I know she loves you and she won't ever stop loving you, but I do have to say that she needs to back off a little. School is so boring without you, Lily and I look like loners at lunch" James sighed, making me chuckle. 

"Aww, my loner friends!" I laughed, making her playfully hit my shoulder.

We continued to talk about what has been happening at school and what I've been doing with my online classes. I felt like it went on for another hour, until I heard her softly snoring and I rolled onto my side, exhausted. 


I woke up to the sun peering through the curtains, I saw Ivy standing by our door and I smiled, climbing out of bed to walk over to her. 

"Good morning, baby girl" I said, kissing her forehead.

"Where's Sage? I miss her" she asked, looking up at me with a frown.

I smoothed out her hair, "She's at Auntie Blake's for a while, don't worry, she'll be back soon".

Ivy nodded her head and I followed her into her bedroom to help her get ready for school. I looked at the time and we had about thirty minutes before she needed to head out the door. I brushed out her hair, braiding it into two and made sure her lunch box was packed while she ate breakfast. 

"Is my little girl ready?" Joe asked, putting his shoes on. Ivy nodded her head putting her empty bowl of cereal into the sink and I bent down to give her one last kiss before Joe brought her to school.

I let out a sigh, taking a seat on the couch. I looked at my text messages and had no messages from Blake, so I texted her.

"How's Sage?" 

I know that her kids should be getting ready for school as well, so that leaves just Sage and her at the apartment. I stared at my screen, waiting for a reply, but nothing. I was just about to call her, until I decided to text Sage.

"Good morning, baby girl! How are you this morning? Have you eaten breakfast yet? Your dad and I love you so much, we'll be waiting for you at home. Your little sister misses you, so much"

I was sure she wasn't going to respond to me, but a minute later she had read my messaged, making my heart stop. She started typing, making me anxious that she was either going to blow up, or reply with something normal. 

"Tell Ivy, I miss her too"

I sighed, not even bothering to reply. I went over to the kitchen table where we laid out the plans for their parties and scratched out Ivy's party. I flipped the notebook, rewriting Sage's party on their actual birthday and moved Ivy's to the next day. I knew Ivy wouldn't mind, all she cared about was if she was going to get gifts. I texted Joe to message all of Ivy's guests that her party was moved to the next day, while Sage's would happen first and we wouldn't need to text family, since they would be here anyway. 

I heard the doorbell ring, Joe was back fast I thought. When I walked over to the camera, Sage was standing outside. I quickly opened the door, pulling her into my arms and held her head onto my chest as I swayed us back and forth. 

"I missed you last night, babe" I whispered into her ear, closing the door behind us. 

She placed her backpack onto the ground and I took a good look at her face. No more tear stains, but she still looked exhausted. 

"Are you okay? Come here" I said, pulling her into another hug. 

"I'm fine, mom" she whispered into my chest. I felt her arms slowly wrap around me, making a tear fall out of my eye. 

I brought her over to the couch, holding onto her hands. "Before I let you talk, I need to tell you something important that you and Ivy deserve to know about", I said, making her look at me confused. 

"I had a miscarriage a couple days ago. I'm sorry if the way I was acting towards you was too much, I was just... I was just afraid and everything was getting to me at once" I said, looking her straight in the eye. 

Her eyes widen as she opened her mouth shocked and she continued to stare at me. 

"Mom" she whispered, holding onto my hand tight.

I nodded my head, "I'm okay, I'm okay now. I have you and your sister to get me through this, okay?".

"Did I cause the stress? Were you stressed out because of my school situation? How'd it happen?" she continued on, making me shake my head.

"No, no. This isn't your fault, it isn't anyones" I said reassuringly. 

She shook her head as she looked around the room and soon, her lips started to tremble. 

"I've been such an ass and all of my problems have been piling up on you and dad. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not a normal kid. I'm so sorry" she mumbled, throwing her head down as she started sobbing. 

"No, no, shhh, come here" I whispered, bringing her into my arms, holding onto her tight. I laid my whole body onto the couch with her on top of me and continued rubbing her back. 

As I listened to her cries, I heard the door open, revealing Joe who looked at me concerned. I shook my head, as I continued to comfort our daughter. 

I'm New York Cityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें