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Principal Adams took me on a quick tour around the school. It wasn't as big as I thought it would be, but probably because it's in the city. Back in California, Ivy's school was huge, but again it was all one floor while my school had like five floors. I only have to stay in school for half of the day and then the second half I'll be finishing it online at home. 

When we entered my first period of the day, there were already many students seated, making me nervous. "This is Sage Alwyn, she just moved to the city" Principal Adams informs this lady that looked like she was around my Mom's age. 

"Hi Sage! I'm Mrs. Smith and I'm going to be your English teacher! How's living in the city so far?" She asked in very kind tone. 

"H-Hello, it's been really nice. My Mom is from here so she's been showing us around" I anxiously said, receiving a smile from her. 

Principal Adams excuses herself and Mrs. Smith shows me to my desk. I'm seated in the second row next to another girl who is too focused with her book. I carefully unzip my backpack, taking out one package of treats and hold it out to my teacher. She looked at it confused for a second and then gave me a big smile.

"Is this for me, Sage?" She asked, looking at it with loving eyes. 

I nodded my head, "My Mom and I made them".

She thanked me with a small hug and walked back up to the front of the class. I sat in my seat, a little more comfortable and just looked around her classroom. She had everything decorated beautifully and was really organized. 

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, but I was afraid to take it out because there was a sign in front of the class that said we couldn't use phones. Looking around, most students were still on their phones, so I guess that didn't apply until class actually starts.

"Hey baby girl, how's everything going so far? Love, Mommy"

I don't know why, but reading her text message made me miss her even more and it's only been an hour or so. I made eye contact with my teacher and she smiled at me, nodding her head. I guessed that she was giving me full permission to be on my phone.

"Everything is going okay. The Principal is really nice and also my first period teacher, Mrs. Smith"

I placed my phone into my backpack, not wanting to be on it any longer since we only had a couple minutes before class starts. Only a few more students entered the room after me and it was pretty silent, but the class was full. 

"Okay everyone, let's get started here! I'm Mrs. Smith and I'm going to be your first period English teacher this year. So today, we aren't going to be doing much, but I want us all to get to know each other" Mrs. Smith smiled, looking around the room.

"I'll start and then we will go around the room! Feel free to share anything about yourself, if you aren't comfortable, don't feel forced to share" She smiled. I loved her already.

"So, I'm Mrs. Smith and I actually just got married last year. My husband is an accountant in the city and this is my second year teaching! We have two dogs at home and no children just yet! We actually both graduated from New York University and have decided to stay in the city because this is just our home" She smiled. 

I watched and listened as the front row of the class began to introduce themselves. I could tell some were nervous from the tones of their voice and some just wanted to get this over with. I listened anxiously to the girl next to me and she really went in detail on how she is so into reading and writing which I could tell just by looking at her. When it got to my turn, I wanted to walk out of this class, but I could see Mrs. Smith smiling brightly at me. The whole class turned in my direction and I could hear whispers from afar. 

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