Got the job

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Evan was at the kitchen baking some goods, he then went and placed some of the cookies he'd made into a jar and went to the pantry closet

But inside the pantry was Bandit eating some of Evan's gingersnaps, he was caught red handed in the act

Evan just gave Bandit a "really?" Face, Bandit then placed a finger on his lips "ssh" he made, Evan then was about to call Chilli

But Bandit handed him 5$, but Evan was about to call again and Bandit gave him 10$, Evan once again was about to call Chilli

Bandit then gave Evan 20$ and this made Evan not call Chilli anymore, Bandit then returned to eating the gingersnaps

Evan then placed the car in the pantry and closed it with Bandit inside, he goes and waits for the next batch of back goods to be done baking

But his phone suddenly rang and Evan checked and it was from someone named "Madison?"

Madison: hello is this Evan Ciao Heeler?

Evan: yes?, why do you ask?

Madison: you gave us an application to work at our Cafe Don Boo right?

Evan: oh yeah i did

Madison: well we accepted your application and you'll start tomorrow at 9:20 AM

Evan then got excited and went to the pantry and pulled Bandit out, he tightly hugged him in excitement

But Bandit was getting really uncomfortable and nervously laughs, Evan hugs tighter and didn't hear Bandit's bones cracking and snapping by his sheer strength of his hug

But Bandit didn't mind it actually, his back feels a lot better and just let Evan hug him more tighter and laughing nervously

Meanwhile Evan's phone was still on the call and the person on the other side heard the bones cracking and nervous laughs

There were three dogs in the cafe and the phone on the table and they heard the sound of snapping a d cracking of bones

They gave each other nervous and confused looks "is he getting moulded?" Said the Great Pyrenees

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