"You Imperial scum are dead!" I heard a feminine voice yell out.

A breath of relief escaped my lips, and my tensed stance loosened. Cassian was still on edge though. His grip not loosening one bit. "Mom?" I called out. My voice beginning to crack. I pulled Cassian's arms off me. Moving quicky out of the room.

In front of me my mother held a surprised look on her face. Her blaster held tightly in front of her. When her eyes locked onto mine, she let out a short breath. The blaster fell from her hands. We both rushed towards each other faster than Cassian could process what was happening. My arms wrapped around her tightly and my body began to relax. I didn't want to let go of her. It had been so long since I'd been able to see my family, and just to have a hug from my mother. The tears began to flow from the two of us and the world shut down for just a moment.

But then reality set in, and my mother sucked in a deep breath. I quickly pulled away and it was then I got a full look at her. There was a large cut on her cheek and her lip was slit open, bruises scattered up and down her arms. "Mom..." I managed to breathe out.

She could see the panicked look on my face and quickly placed a hand on my cheek. Her thumb stroked my cheek softly, and wiped the tears away.

"I'm okay Amara, but you can't be here. She was looking for you." She said.

"I'm not going anywhere. We're here to help." I said sternly.

My mothers' eyes shot over my shoulder, and it was there she caught sight of Cassian. I would've stopped her concern but my own grew. My eyes scanned across the room, and I realized how quiet the house still was. There was no other movement. No one else came in to greet us. My brows furrowed and my eyes locked back onto hers.

Panic set in my voice, "Where's Dad? Devron? Why aren't they here."

"Dane left a few days ago for work. I haven't been able to reach him..." Her voice trailed off and her eyes began to fill with tears once more. As her lip began to quiver, I felt all the air leave my lungs.

"She took Devron." She cried.

My heart shattered to pieces as she wrapped her arms back around me. She held me tight, and I could feel the pain she felt. The pain of failing to protect her child. She wouldn't let go, and I knew it was because she was afraid, she would lose me too. My hands wrapped tightly to the rough cloth that created her clothing. The tears had dried from my eyes, and the blood drained from my face. There was only one thought crossing my mind as my mother's cries rang through my ears.

I wanted to break, but I couldn't. Because this was all my fault.

We sat my mother down in the kitchen and brought her some water. Cassian stood by the door as I sat in front of her. Bandaging the injuries I could. Trying to do what I could to repair what I broke. I wiped the dried blood off her cheek before pulling back. Watching as her hands shook as she grabbed the glass and took a sip of water.

"I don't understand why this happened." My mother said quietly as she stared down at the glass.

I took a deep breath. I wasn't sure what I could say. For the past year she believed I was living a whole other life. Abandoning our home for something they didn't believe in. I turned towards Cassian wondering what I could say. He gave me a simple nod letting me know it was okay.

"I didn't leave for the academy." I said quietly and turned back to my mother. "I was recruited by the Rebel Alliance." I quickly grabbed her hand and held onto it tightly. The guilt rushed over me as the tears began to well in my eyes once more.

"This is all my fault Mom. We ran into her on a mission, and I thought we managed to rid ourselves of her. I got comfortable and thought we were fine. But then we left for this mission, and we found-"

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