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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

We all traveled back to the Sarlacc pit together. Din and Vanth riding on the speeders slowly ahead as they lead the rest of us on Bantha's, or those walking beside one towards the destination. We all paused back on the edge of the cliff. Looking out as another Tusken made his way to the front of the cave. He bent down slowly and placed his hand onto the sand. Feeling the vibrations as the dragon snored.

The Tusken spoke with his hands as we watched. "What'd he say?" Vanth asked me.

"It's sleeping." I answered, "If we listen carefully, we can hear it breathing." Though we didn't have to listen that hard. The dragons breathing itself shook the ground slightly beneath us.

One of the Tuskens spoke to me as they handed me a melon. Forcing the treaty between the groups to begin. I handed it to Vanth as he let out a long sigh. He took a deep breath before bringing it to his lips. Forcing the milk from the fruit down.

"Let's get to work." Din demanded, knowing it was now or never.

Everyone began to move quickly. Grabbing charges from the Bantha's and began digging holes within the sand. One by one we planted them at the opening of the cave. Hoping to hit the belly of the dragon. Knowing that was the only weak spot. As we all did that, the Tusken's built their large ballistae. Once the dragon was locked in place, all the charges would blow with a single detonator.

I walked over to Din and Vanth as one of the townsfolk, Jo, handed off the detonator to Vanth. I took my place next to Din as we looked out towards the cave. The army of Tusken's finally in position as others moved their Bantha's away. We watched closely as three walked up to the cave, bringing their hands around their mouths, and began to yell. Awaking the beast within.

Immediately the was a growled response as the three raiders ran away as fast as possible from the entrance. The dragon began to emerge from the cave and out of the sand. Its loud wines piercing my ears. The Tusken's shot off their ballista's, each arrow piercing the skin of the creature. However, they weren't enough.

"Dank farrik, its going back in." Din said as the Tuskens tried to keep it from disappearing back into the cave. He watched quietly as the first part of the attack failed. As if the dragon knew it was in danger if it slithered its way out.

"I'm gonna hit it." Vanth said as his finger hovered over the button to the detonator.

"No stop." Din fought back, "We only have one shot. We've gotta get it out."

Everyone moved on to their next step. Hurling weapons, and shooting at the dragon. Hoping to lure it back out. It was working but it still wasn't enough. The belly not quiet close to the explosives buried beneath the sand.

The dragon slowly emerged out of the cave. The largeness of the creature was far greater than I could ever imagine. We watched closely as the groups began to retreat, hoping to drag it out just a little more. However, the dragon instead lifted its head and opened its mouth. I thought for sure it was going to bring its mouth down into the sand and grab any person it could. Instead, a large green and yellow substance flew out of its mouth. Trapping a few raiders beneath it.

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