Aubrey Griffin

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Again this will be tweaked to fit the story

Being a ballet dancer was not an easy career choice. My team and I had been practicing extra since it was Nutcracker season. I love ballet but it can get stressful, I walked into the cafeteria trying to avoid the crowd since it was lunch time and it was cold and snowing outside, I grabbed a fruit and an entree and began walking towards my friends, I wasn't paying much attention and bumped into someone. I dropped my fork, this person who looked oddly familiar bent to pick it up at the same time I did, she started speaking "I'm sorry, I need to watch where I'm going," I shook my head, "I'm such a clutz all the time. It's my fault, really." I assured her, we stood like this for a little until she spoke up, "wanna sit with me? My team is over there if you wanna," I look over at the girls now looking our way, "I would love to- my friends are waiting for me-" I heard a voice cut me off, "she'd love to go!" My friend, Macy and also fellow dancer said, the girl in front of me licked her lips and stuck her hand out, her teammates were still looking our way. "Ya'll can come too," she offered "yeah! We'd love too." She laughed and showed us where her table was. We sat down awkwardly.

"Hi." I said awkwardly looking around the table, "hey, girly!" KK greeted across from table, I giggled and said a quick "hi" back. Luna spoke up, "wait Y/n, doesn't your dad coach the woman's basketball team?" I swallowed my yoghurt and turned to face her, "uh, yeah, why?" I asked, "because we're sitting with the whole team," I smiled to myself. "That's why you guys look so familiar," I said, Luna giggled "Y/N thinks you guys are really good. And uhm other things," my eyes go wide in embarrassment "shut up!" I whispered, Paige laughed "I mean we are like pretty good!" She said causing the table to start laughing as well.

A little after lunch, Luna, Macy and I had to go back to the dance room to practice our roles for Nutcracker. I had to work on my forte since I'm playing Clara and Macy's playing the sugar plum fairy. It was around 7:30 when we left since we stayed behind while everyone else left. Luna opened the door to our apartment, I threw my things on the floor in pure drowsiness and headed to the bathroom, "I'm going to shower," I told Luna, she was in the living room, "fine with me," she whispered, I closed the door and turned on the shower. When I got out I headed straight to sleep. That english essay could wait.

When I woke up I brushed my teeth and styled my hair in a slick back ponytail, I headed to my first class today, when I walked into the room I was met face to face with Aubrey, I smiled widely and whispered "hey." She flashed her signature smile, "hey. You wanna sit with me?" My smile brightened "of course I would!" I whispered again, she let me walk in front of her and followed behind me going at the same speed I was. "Uh are you busy today?" She blurted out while I was taking out my laptop, I turned to her and smiled "no, actually. My ballet master gave us the day off," Aubrey nodded her head, "why?" I asked now curious what the had up her sleeve, "We had practice today, maybe you'd wanna come watch? You don't have to, you-" I put my hand on hers and found myself smiling "I'd like that, it's a date!" I breathed, before I could correct myself class started.

I had a bit of trouble finding the basketball court since I never go there, when I walked in the door slammed hard behind me. My dad turned to see who was there, he saw me and quickly walked up to me, "what did you do?" He asked, I scoffed and laughed "nothing! I came to watch your practice, Aubrey invited me." I explained  then pulling him into a hug. A few minutes later the girls started scrimmaging, I watched on the sidelines even though I had no idea what was going on. Halfway into the scrimmage, Aubrey ran up to me. I'm guessing it because her water was right next to me, "hi, you guys are like really good," I beamed; she smiled even brighter than I did, she licked her lips and spoke. "Well we practiced a lot. Geno's a good coach though, that's part of it," she muttered, "hey uhm you know- it's Nutcracker season. And I had tickets. I don't know maybe you'd wanna come." I chirped, Aubrey licked her lips again, my stomach flipped over. It stayed that way. "Of course I'd come.I wouldn't miss it," I laughed in relief.

"I didn't know Aubrey had rizz like that," Paige muttered to KK. She laughed manically "girl boo! Aubrey's been had rizz!" The two laugh together, Nika joined them wiping the sweat off, "that's why she was up all night," Paige laughed. Aubrey was running back towards them, "got a date?" Nika asked with a smirk on her face, "Y/n invited me to her Nutcracker show- thing, I invited her to our game," KK giggled again "see Paige?! Rizz!" They all laughed.

When I got back to my dorm Luna was already there. "Where were you, chica?!" She yelled from the couch, "I was watching Aubrey's practice," I smile putting my bag down, Luna stood up from the couch whispering an antagonist "ooh" all the way to her room. I giggled and walked to my room, crashed my bed and fell alseep.

I woke up extra early and so did Luna since the girls and I had dress rehearsal at the SHU theater. "Hey ladies!" I walked out my door with my duffel bag in hand. "Good morning, prima, Elaine is probably gonna make us do like fifty pliés," I giggled at my friends comments, we all piled into my truck or my friends called it: the mom van. When we got there I grabbed my stuff which consisted of my duffel bag, my purse, and costumes since I was playing multiple characters. We walked inside and started to get changed.

The day of opening night we were all very nervous, especially me. But I was also excited because Aubrey was coming, "what if I fall- oh my God I can't even think that! What if-" Luna grabbed my hands "oh my goodness! She's gonna love you!" I stop a few seconds after her, we broke out in a fit of laughter. "You're right. I'm being silly. We look so awesome." I breathed before turning my body towards the mirror that was located in our living room. Dressing rooms were always stressful but fun to me, I'd made sure to bring extra blankets for changing, us girls always had each other's backs. We were like sisters, "does anyone have lipstick?!" A girl who auditioned from one of the sororities at school, I threw mine to her "catch!" She hollered a thank you and continued applying her makeup. A little after everyone settled down, our backstage manager walked in and asked, "who's ready for opening night?!" We all cheered and laughed, Luna, Macy and I all laughed together.

After the show, the girls and I went our separate ways, Macy went to go find her boyfriend, Luna with her parents. I scoped out Aubrey at the front entrance, I noticed the bouquet of flowers in her hand, "how'd you know I like pink?" I questioned taking the flowers out of her hand, "had a hunch, you looked really beautiful up there," I flushed, but then smiled. "Thank you!" I said very flustered, we walked to the parking lot, our voices filling the night air, "well, uhm, goodnight. I'll see you," I smiled a bit sadly, we'd been making a lot of conversation and I didn't want it to end. Aubrey called my name, I turned around "yeah?" I responded, she towered over me and kissed my cheek, "good night." I flushed once more, and got into my car and drove away.

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