New girl- Nika Mühl

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I walked to class with my stuff that was practically about to fall because of how shaky my hands were. A bunch of people were staring at me even after I sat down, I've never been here, maybe everyone already knows each other. I have no friends, I stood up grabbed my things and left because I could feel myself having a panic attack. I walked to the nearest bench and tried to steady my breathing while trying not to cry as well. Then I heard footsteps, I looked up and saw a girl with curly hair walk up to me.

I was wondering around campus before my next class started, enjoying the fall air I went back to my dorm and grabbed my things. When I walked back on the same path I had before I saw a girl sitting on the bench. I could see the tears falling down her cheeks and she was trying to control her breathing, I had panic attacks in the past so I knew what to do, I sat beside her and she looked up at me, "I don't mean to be mean but could you please leave me alone?" She asks stumbling over her words, her breathing was still really bad, "inhale and count to ten with me, okay?" I said putting my hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner, she did what I told her, we counted together "5,6,7,8,9,10. Good job now exhale." I took my hand off of her shoulder and played with rings. "Are you okay now?" I asked, she nodded and smiled sadly, "oh sorry, I'm Nika. I've never been here before," she introduced herself, I wasn't sure what she meant "like Connecticut?" She shook her head and gripped her bag, "uhm no, like the states. I'm from Zagreb Croatia." My eyes widened, I checked my watch it was almost time for my class. "Uhm do you have panic attacks often?" I asked "they started when I moved here." I smiled emphatically, I grabbed my phone. "If you have another one you could always text or call. If you want, I have to go, see you Nika." I say fixing my bag over my shoulder, she smiles putting her phone away, "I will," she smiles softly. I walk away.

A few weeks later I got a job photographing for the UCONN woman's basketball. I started today after classes, when I got back to my dorm which I was lucky to not have a roommate since the school was a student short, I slipped on my dark blue and dark green sweater and mom jeans. I walked to the court where the team was with my camera, when I got there the girls were already warming up. When I walk in the door shut loudly behind so the girls and Geno all turned to look at me, Nika and I locked eyes almost immediately, I didn't know she played basketball. Geno walked up to me.

"Girls! This is our new photographer, Y/N. Y/N these are the girls." Nika smiled but not big enough for everyone to see "hi." I said shyly. The girls all welcomed me with open arms, then practice started. I got some good shots while the girls were scrimmaging, then I saw Nika run over beside me. She took a sip of her water, she turned to me and licked her lips "I didn't know they hired you," I giggled, "oh yeah Geno and one of the other coaches saw me taking pictures of  the garden, you know the one that the kids from the nature program planted? Yeah so he told me that I had the job if I wanted it. I didn't know you played though." I rambled then realized I was rambling "sorry I ramble sometimes," I apologize, Nika gives me that smile that makes me feel like I'm floating, "don't worry about it. Yeah I came here cause I got a scholarship for basketball." Then another girl who told me her name was KK "I'm glad we got you, something was wrong with that last guy," Paige laughs sitting beside her "he was perverted for real." We all laugh, Nika and I's hand brush up against each other. The girls go back onto the court while I get some good angles.

A few weeks later I started hanging out with the girls especially Nika, she'd call me when she was missing home and I would be there to comfort her. My job if you could even call it that because I didn't care about the money, was to attend games and get pictures. There was 10 seconds left on the clock and Nika had the ball, one of the girls on the other Stole the ball out of her hands. I was practically biting my nails, five seconds had passed. Paige stole the ball from the girl's hand like she'd recently did Nika. 3 seconds left. Paige shot the ball into the air. 2 seconds. It went in, that annoyingly loud buzzer went off, the commentator started yelling. I stood up and ran up and hugged Paige because she had her hands reached out. I turned to Nika and picked me up into a hug, I wrapped my legs around her waist. When we pulled away I turned away to congratulate the others, "hey Y/N/N?!" She yelled over her screaming teammates, I turned back around.

She pulled me into a soft kiss, her hands on both sides of my face, she moved her hands down to my waist and kissed harder. "Will you be my girlfriend?!" She yelled again, I nodded happily giggling uncontrollably "Yeah!" I kissed her again.

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