Prologue: The Echoes of Aetheria

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In the age before memory, when stars still whispered secrets to the earth, the realm of Aetheria flourished—a land woven from magic and dreams. Its borders stretched beyond the horizon, touching the edges of forgotten realms and ancient mysteries. Within its heart lay the Crystal Forest, a sanctuary where time flowed like honey and reality shimmered with otherworldly hues.

Long before the enchantresses’ time, Aetheria witnessed the Age of Starfall. Celestial meteors rained down, embedding themselves in the earth. Each gemstone carried a fragment of cosmic energy—a shard of forgotten constellations. These star stones birthed the first magic wielders, and their bloodlines flowed with stardust.

During the War of Shattered Suns, the star stones became weapons. Kingdoms rose and fell, their rulers harnessing celestial power. The Eclipse Wars marked the zenith of this conflict—a cataclysmic battle that blotted out the sun for seven days. When the light returned, the star stones had vanished, leaving behind only myths and legends.

The First enchantresses spoke of a prophecy etched into the very bark of the oldest trees—a prophecy that echoed through generations. It foretold of a rift, a fracture in the fabric of existence. When the veil between worlds grew thin, a chosen few would emerge—the guardians of balance. Their purpose: to mend the rift or plunge Aetheria into eternal chaos.

Enchantresses Of Aetheria: Legend of Crystal ForestWhere stories live. Discover now